Imagine #38 Elijah

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He has to watch you being tortured.

"Hey", you grinned, kissing Elijah lightly as he walked towards you. He smiled at you as he interlocked his hand with yours and you walked towards his together.

" So. Esther's back. Should I be worried?", you asked lightly, your words fogging in the cold air. His hand tensed in yours, but his face remained composed.
"No. She wouldn't dare touch you", he assured you firmly.

" It's not me I'm worried about ", you said softly.

" Don't worry about me", he said sincerely. You raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. "What's wrong?", he asked gently.

" Nothing. I just, I have a bad feeling. My feelings are usually pretty accurate ", you told him, biting your lip. Elijah stopped, and held both of your hands in one of his.

" Y/N. I promise nothing is going to happen", he said, kissing your hands. You smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. Of course. I'm just being stupid", you said.

Elijah stiffened and looked around the empty street you were walking on. You followed his gaze, but saw nothing. Suddenly, a mass amount of people stood in front of you and Elijah. You knew they were wolves straight away. You said nothing, but watched Elijah's face.

" One of those things is going to happen here", he said, incredibly calm. "Either you are going to leave, or I'm going to slaughter every one of you. The choice is yours", he said sharply. You held your breath as the men looked at each other. Then they all lunged at Elijah. You and Elijah sprung into action into action, fiercely attacking your opponents. You both had the upper hand, killing at ease, when a migraine that was head splitting overtook both you and Elijah. And then everything went black.


When you woke, every muscle in your body ached. You winced, your vision adjusting as you saw Elijah chained and barely conscious. You walked towards him, but were knocked back by a invisible shield.

" Elijah? Are you awake?", you whispered, trying desperately to stay calm. His eyes fluttered open at the sound of your voice. He looked at you, and started pulling roughly on the chains. It was no good, you knew they had been bewitched. "It's okay. Just relax", you whispered, trying to think of something to break the shield.

Inexplicable pain consumed your body as you fell to the floor, biting your lip til it bled as so not to scream in agony. You clutched your head and started coughing blood.

" Y/N?! I swear to God I will kill you!", he screamed at the emerging figure. You couldn't think, you just lay in writhing pain, your body convulsing.

"Elijah. Manners. As your mother I deserve more respect than that", a voice said sharply. She knelt towards your shaking body. " So pretty ", she said softly. You coughed more blood, looking at her weakly.

" It's me you want! Leave her alone", Elijah yelled, panic evident in his tone.

"It's, it's okay", you choked, looking at him and trying to pretend you weren't in the pain that you were. His eyes shone with unshed tears as he looked at you desperately.

" Leave her alone. Elijah, sweetheart. I'm only beginning ", she said glaring at you.

A/N:Part Two?:)

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