Original way that Lynn meets James

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We wandered the halls, Shay going on about her wonderful boyfriend wtih Kevin shadowing us. 

"And then when I told him about it he offered to pay for it all!" Shay exclaimed, I couldn't remember what she was talking about but was spared from answering when Kevin interrupted.

"Shay, James is having a meeting in five minutes we should probably start walking over to the building." He said, fingering a small silver phone. Shay sighed.

"Those meetings are always so boring." She complained but changed her direction so we were heading across the courtyard to a low, grey building. Kevin was fidgety, He looked like he might sprint to the building at any given moment.

"Whats wrong?" I asked, hoping I didn't sound to rude. He glanced at me nervously before staring at the ground. 

"I don't like being late and Shay loves to make trouble for me." He finally responded, shoving his hands in his pockets. Shay laughed, a tingling of bells.

"Nonsense, Kevin just doesn't like to be teased!" Kevin rolled his eyes.

"Because telling everybody about my girlfriend is not teasing!" I almost stopped out of shock. The serious Kevin with a girlfriend? True I'd only known him for a couple hours but I thought I'd already got his personality.

"But you met her online!" Shay squealed, obviously astounded that anyone could form a relationship on the internet. Okay, now I was past shock and into disbeleif.

"Did you really?" I asked, curiously. Kevin blushed.

"Yeah." Shay and I giggled.

"Oh look, we're here." Kevin looked very much releived that we could stop talking about his love life.

"Should I be here?" I said, hesitating out side the door.

"Probably not."Kevin answerd before opening the door and pushing me through.

It looked like a board room. A long oval table with chairs all around the room filled with lots of tough looking men. At the back, five girls sat in a row and I wondered who they were.

"Look who decided to show, Shay." I looked to see who was speaking. 

He was obviously the one in charge, standing at the head of the table. He had short blonde hair, a military haircut that looked amzing on him. He had grey flecked eyes and strong cheekbones. He wore a loose gray t-shirt and dark jeans. Curiously, he wore a necklace. It was a small silver chain and on the end were two keys. The first was small, silver and dainty looking. For a moment it even looked heart shaped. The other one was brassy and very old looking. It was beautiful, but it made me wonder what it unlocked.

Kevin apologized to him profusely but the man just waved it away. We headed to the back with the rest of the girls and I thought I had escaped unoticed.

"Shay?" He called, right as we reached the chairs.

"Yes, James?" She said, her eyes wide with innocence. James sighed.

"Whose your friend?"

"Linn, she's new and I was just showing her around." I gave a little awkward wave.

"Well I would appreciate if you didn't show her this room." James said, though there was anger, just weariness as if Shay did this a lot. I wouldn't be surprised if she did.

"Does that mean I can leave?" She asked, excitedly. James stared up at the ceiling.

"Yes, Shay take your friend and show her around the school." Shay was practically glowing as she thanked James and hightaield out of there, Kevin and I in tow. She must really hate those meetings.

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