"What are they going to do? Kick you out? I'll just go with you."

   I let out a breathy laugh and squeezed his hand. "You shouldn't be so sure about that. Draco, if something were to hap-."

   "I'll always be here for you." He says confidently, before kissing my temple.

   I stayed, calm and content, right next to him, for a while. We laid in comfortable silence, wrapped in our own thoughts. When we did reach our time limit, he slowly got out of the bed and walked over to his closet, before trying to casually ask a personal question.

   "Why do you think he's having a party?"

   I thought about it, before answering. "I'm not certain. Maybe he thought he could repair the Malfoy reputation. I was thinking about this, and I think this is his way of trying to apologize for all that's happened."

He looked at me curiously. I continued, hoping he knew where I was coming from.

"Draco, your father loves you. You know that, right?" I ask him.

From being here for four days, I can clearly see that. The way he looks at him, talks to him, and puts his emotions away, to put his son first. That makes me think of how when we were younger, how Draco would say, "My father will hear about this.", when something offensive happened to him. His father has cared about Draco for a very long time. They have had many disagreements, some worse than others, but Draco's always come back.

He was silent as he picked out a pair of slacks and a dress shirt and other items. I stood up, put my boots back on, and walked over to Draco, who stared at himself through the mirror, then at me.

I pulled his wrist so that he was facing me. "Everyone here loves you."

Draco's eyes met mine and without humor, he smirked slightly. "Some a little more than others."

I saw a towel folded towards the bottom of the shelf and picked it up, before swatting Draco with it. My cheeks flushed only slightly.

I raised my eyebrows, trying not to smile. "Was that necessary?"

He took the towel. "Very."

I looked around his room. I hadn't been in here much except the evening when I woke up from the three days of being unconscious. It was really nice and simple, with a mixture of greens, grays, and blacks. It was simple, yet elegant. It fitted him well.

When I looked back at Draco, he had everything needed for his shower in his hands. He waited until he had my attention before speaking again.

"Are you coming too?" The smirk broadened.

"You wish." I laughed softly. "You can do that without me."

"Doesn't mean I want to."

"Well, people don't always get what they want." I replied.

"I have you, don't I?"

"I don't know, do you?"

He threw his items on to his bed, but they somehow landed neatly. He put his hands on my waist and drew my body to him. Our lips nearly touched and it hadn't even been twenty minutes since our last kiss, but my lips were already longing for him. Draco restrained himself and his response came out in a whisper.

"I do."

I gave in first and pressed my lips to his. He responded gently, but then drew himself away. I let out a sound of protest, but he threw me a smirk, and picked up his clothing and towels again.

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