Ram's blood is much more precious then Lamb's blood, since it is of higher quality. (Or so I've heard from Mother.)

"Mother, please let me do it."

It seems brother dearest had gotten enough of his dearest sister, and is taking things into his own hands.

Glaring at me, Vincent shoved the spoon in front of my face.

"Open your mouth, you little menace."

Ohhhhh. Mom, mom! He just called me a little menace.

"Vincent! How could you call your sister a menace??" Mother screeched like a banshee as Vincent winced and cupped his ears with his hands to mute the Queen's scoldings.

"...cause she didn't listen to you, so I'm trying to threaten her into drinking..." Vincent replied meekly, glaring at me from beneath his bangs, accusing me of something I don't know I did.

What did I do?


Taking a pity on my older brother, I opened my mouth and took a sip or two from the spoon extended from my brother's hand.

"Oh my! She finally drank the blood!" Mother's gleeful voice filled the room as Vincent looked surprised from my action.

What can I say? Your welcome?

"It's a bit sad that she prefers her brother over her mother, but as long as she drinks her daily dose of blood..." mother sighed as she cupped her face, looking worriedly at me.

Glancing at my brother, the Queen snapped her fingers as if she thought of something amazing.

"I know! Vincent, you can just feed your sister after this. She must like you a lot to have accepted your feeding instead of mine."

She sounded very bitter when she stated the fact. Sorry mother, I will try harder to make you feel loved.

Turning, I saw Vincent's scarlet eyes gleaming. Vampires does that sometimes when they become excited. Was he happy over the fact that his sister prefer(not really, it's something called pity) him to his mother?

"Hmm...you might not be so bad after all." Vincent commented, appraising me as if he had just seen another me.

Whaa... just happened?


Days after me drinking the blood, a common occurrence that had been happening every night (not that there were any difference with the day here ) would be Vincent's (very) occasional visits to my crib.

"...and then the prince and the princess lived happily ever after. The end!" Mother exclaimed as she closed the storybook, the smile she showed me brightened her already beautiful face by a few radiance. She look so beautiful and young, it's hard to imagine she's the mother of three, and a Queen of a country.

Did I say mother of three? Well, yeah. Three. I have another older brother.

Anyway, I find it weird that Vincent is right beside my crib, staring at me with his blue eyes, appreciating (?) my newborn appearance as I tried my best not to lose the staring competition.

I stare intently as one of his fingers made its way to my face.


Vincent is poking my cheeks!

Ouch ouch ouch.

I tried my best to glare at the young looking prince but knowing that it would looked like a pout with a baby's features, I pouted instead.

Somehow I got Reincarnated as an Fantasy Otome game's Rival CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now