"It's beautiful out here," I murmured, letting my head rest comfortably back as Justin placed his chin atop. "Everything's so peaceful... it's like no one can touch us."

"That's because no one actually can." Justin voiced out loud.

"What do you mean?" I craned my neck to look at him, my eyebrows furrowed.

"I mean," Licking his lips, Justin shrugged, "Nobody can touch us because I won't let them. They'd be dead within the first second they thought about nearing you."

"Justin," I shook my head, facing forwards once more.

"You know I'll always protect you, right?" He muttered against my ear, his breath clashing against the sensitive skin.

Nodding, I interlaced our hands my fingers slipping on top his before bringing them up to my lips and kissing it, "I know."

Exhaling deeply, I felt my breath catch as Justin held my hand that contained the wedding ring up, his fingers slipping in and out of the spaces between my fingers as his thumb brushed across the diamond, "I can't believe you're going to be mine in a few years."

"Years?" I looked back at him.

"Yeah, when we're both ready," Kissing my wedding banded finger, he held my hand protectively, "Clearly right now isn't the right time but once we both settle down, we'll start planning."

"Okay," I smiled, feeling my heart swell at the sincerity in his voice, knowing he meant everything, "I'd like that."

"Yeah?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Mhm," I hummed, looking up into the sky. A warm sensation brewed up inside of me and I began to feel whole again for the very first time in a long time. Everything was slowly falling into place and I couldn't have been happier. "You make me happy, you know that?" I questioned out loud.

Knowing I had his attention, I continued, "I know we have our differences sometimes but I can never picture myself with anybody else but you. I know it sounds crazy but... it just feels right. Like I belong here, with you..." Gazing at the diamond ring Justin had declared our engagement with, tears sprung to my eyes, "I never, ever thought this day would come." Scoffing to myself in remembrance to my memories, I smirked, "When I was a little girl, I had this fantasy that I would grow up like a princess and one day meet my prince charming. I had an entire storyline played out inside my head that I would get lost and he'd find me, bring me home and declare his love for me to my parents. Then he'd swoop me up into his arms and take me to his palace where we'd get married and live happily ever after."

"Of course at the time, I was only six so clearly it wouldn't happen and as I grew up... the dream died with time. I simply gave up trying to find love but then I somehow ran into you. I thought to myself, how of course I'd be the one to get myself into misfortune. I knew you screamed trouble but there was just... something about you that kept pulling me close and as I got to know you, I slowly began to fall in love. You weren't any prince charming but you were perfect to me anyways."

Leaning down, Justin brushed his lips against my bare shoulder as he laid his chin down on it, "I never wanted this. This life I formed for myself. I always wanted to find that one girl that would take my breath away, we'd marry and have kids and I'd live life just like my parents did. I'd be normal but that couldn't happen because I dug myself into a mess I can't get out of. Love just wasn't possible in a world like this yet I tried to find it anyways and ended up getting fucked over so hard that the idea of love was nothing but bullshit to me. I didn't believe in it... until you waltzed into my life and turned everything upside down." Squeezing me, he snickered, "For the good of course."

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