Love, by chance? pt 2

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Lauren stood amongst the chaos that used to be her wardrobe. She frowned at the discarded clothes that lay on her floor. How could she go to a bonfire when she had nothing to wear? She hated that she could get so easily flustered when it came to women. They often ruled her mind and she lived to find the one that she would be able to truly give her heart too. Sure she had just met Jillian and they had only spent one day together but it had felt right. Lauren sighed heavily and threw herself down on the queen size bed in her hotel room. That solved it, she would have to go shopping and buy something that she thought Jillian would like. Otherwise she would never be comfortable enough to approach Jillian with total confidence. She slowly pulled herself into a sitting position and dreaded a shopping trip that would be involved in such an endeavor. She grunted and made her way to the door. 


It took Lauren 2 hours and 5 stores to find exactly what she needed. She felt content in the new graphic tee and bootleg dark capris she bought. They fit her like a glove and gave her the extra push she needed. As she made her way to the beach where she saw the bonfire already blazing, her heart began to beat faster in anticipation. She supposed the worst that could happen is that Jillian could be with someone. Lauren already knew from their chat that Jillian was smart and funny, it was hard to believe that she was single as well. She nervously stuck her hands in her pockets and ventured the short trip to where a large group of people stood. The music blared so loud that Lauren cringed as she passed the speaker. The sand was cooled down because the sun had set so Lauren bent to remove her flip flops. She could at least find pleasure in the cool grainy sand beneath her toes. She smiled as she noticed  Jillian talking to a dark haired girl at the edge of the group. She paused before approaching. A moment before Lauren reached her, Jillian looked up and caught her gaze. Her face lit up with a smile. 

"You made it!" Jillian exclaimed as she pulled Lauren into a gentle hug that ended too quickly for Lauren's liking. She smiled a bit awkwardly. 

"Yeah. It wasn't exactly hard to find." She said and glanced at the pixie like girl that Jillian had been talking to. Jillian caught her glance and smiled.

"Lauren. This is my friend Emma. Emma. Lauren." Lauren slowly extended her hand and Emma shook it. "Hey. I'm going to show Lauren around okay? She isn't from around here and I promised to show her a good time." She smiled and charmed Emma with just one look. Lauren frowned a moment but Jillian quickly took her hand and led her away. Lauren loved the feel of Jillian's hand. It sent tingles up her arm and she feared for a moment that Jillian would read in her face what she felt in her body.

"You know. I'm not usually so shy. I don't know what's going on." She laughed anxiously and Jillian paused and turned to her, not releasing her hand. The smell of the sea tingled Lauren's senses and the wind brought the faint smell of perfume from Jillian that Lauren found difficult to not close her eyes and let overtake her senses. Jillians eyes reflected the flames that lay directly behind Lauren. The heat from the fire warmed Lauren's back and the music now blared a soft melody that perfectly suited the cool night. A lock of dark hair fall out from behind Jillian's ear and Lauren quickly moved so that she could be the one to tuck it behind the dainty ear, and be rewarded with a brush of her hand upon Jillian's cheek. She could feel Jillian's face move towards her hand as their eyes locked and their breathing stilled, for just a moment. Lauren's tongue darted out to lick her lips instinctively. It drew Jillian's attention to Lauren's full lips. Jillian slightly shook her head as if to bring herself to full awareness. She laughed softly and the moment passed. 

"You don't have to be shy. We are all friends here." Jillian seemed to take a long breath before turning and walking towards a small group of people. Lauren followed, a little sad to have seen the moment pass. There was something in Jillian's eyes that held her captive and she could not look away. Jillian seemed to think better of introducing her to more people and led Lauren away from the group into a darker area of the beach where a perilous cliff stood. Lauren cringed at the idea of a rock falling upon them but she said nothing because the night was so still that she did not dare break the silence. Jillian turned and took Lauren's hand once more. "There is a cave just beyond the cliff. It's beautiful out there." She led Lauren over several large rocks and the cliff opened into a small damp cave that held a small swimming hole and a large waterfall that seemed to never stop pouring despite the shallow nature of the water beneath. The moonlight twinkled in the water and the steady sound of the waterfall made the scene magestic. Lauren grinned as she allowed the water to calm her nerves. She looked to her left to see Jillian pulling off her pants. She was a little taken aback at the movement and JIllian caught her looking. "Don't worry. No one ever comes back here at night." She said and pulled her shirt over her head with a mischievous smile. Lauren hesitated just a moment before following suit. Just as she pulled her shirt off she heard Jillian dive beneath the water. She quickly followed her beneath the dark surface of the water. The chill hit her instantly and she almost recoiled from it before she ventured deeper beneath the surface and caught her bearings. She quickly rose to the surface and took in a deep breath of the salty sweet air. Jillian's laugh seemed to float on the water and Lauren smiled. 

"It's a little cold in here." Jillian grinned and swam to Lauren's side. 

"I swear that you won't die." She said as she floated just above the surface. Lauren shivered a little against the cold as the both struggled to remain in place. Jillian smiled and moved closer. "Maybe my body heat will keep you alive." She grinned and Lauren nearly laughed as she felt Jillians wet legs brush her own. She moved slowly closer to Jillian until they were barely apart. Lauren's body shook with the effort of not pulling her until their entire bodies met. She bit her lower lip and smiled as she felt Jillian's breasts press against hers. Their breathing became steady and slow as they gently floated close enough to kiss. Lauren couldn't take it a moment longer and her hand reached up and gently pulled Jillian's lips to hers. 

Love, by chance? (Lesbian romance)Where stories live. Discover now