Chapter 19

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"Billy!?...uhhh Billy is that really you" Finn said as he looked at Billy who is now half his size but he is still much taller than Finn

"Yeah it is me, The Lich tampered with my bodies composition and returned my soul" Billy said tapping his shoulder with his huge sword

"But why are you helping the Lich and how are you able to wield that thing?" Finn said pointing to Billy's huge sword which is twice his size

"The Lich made my skin more denser making me as strong as before but faster and i am just helping him since im finding a worthy opponent, so are you it?" Billy said preparing to fight

"Hell yeah i am"Finn said

"JUST FIGHT ALREADY!!!" The Lich yelled pissed

Finn and Billy charged each other causing a huge gust of wind blowing away the pebbles near them

"Erghhh"Finn said

"Is that all you got hero!?"Billy

"Nope" Finn said slowly freezing his sword and it reached Billy's sword but he noticed and back stepped away and look at his have frozen sword in where the ice part shows a crack

"Hmm not bad"Billy said impressed

"But learing a few tricks won't help you that much" Billy said standing straight but then he charged at Finn so fast that he disappear

"What the!?" Finn said shock to know Billy's new speed

"I know right!" Billy said as he appeared infront off Finn and slashed him but was quickly blocked by Finn

"Nice reflexes...but not good enough"said Billy as he disappeared again and appeared at Finn's back and slashed him causing him to fall into the ground

"Oh come on Finn as that all you got? I know your still holding back" Billy said

"I am, because i didn't want to hurt a friend"Finn said slowly getting up

"Finn we are at war! All who served the Lich is your enemy and since i serve him i am to so make up your mind" Billy reminded

"I just can't" Finn said

"Well then...i will just give you a reason to hate me" Billy said as he headed where Jake and Ice king fainted

"If you don't take me seriously i will kill this too" said Billy as he points his large sword at them"

"No you wouldn't..."Finn said

"Try me" said Billy as he swinged his sword at Jake

"NOOOO!!!" Finn yelled but the a blazing blue aura covered him that gave Billy the chills

"What the..." Billy said as he looked at Finn's direction

"What on earth is that!?" Billy said as Finn made an ice sword identical to his demon blood sword while walking straight with a Blazing blue aura and a blue lightning surrounding him

"Ohh..his serious" Billy grinned but instantly disappeares as he saw Finn appeared infront of him and slashed him

"Arghh"Billy said as he stepped back

"Now this is getting interesting" Billy said as he charged at Finn but suddenly Finn disappeared and appeared at Billy's back and slashed him

"You mean business" Billy said as he gets up

"But one more hit im dead so im going all out" Billy said charging at Finn with full power which got Finn off guard and got a very deep cut in his sides but he was able to stab the ice sword at Billy's chest

"You really where worthy" Billy said as he lays unconsious at the ground,closing his eyes with a smile

"Billy...i'm sorry" said Finn as he stared down at Billy's lifelessbody

"Boo hoo what drama that was, he wasn't evem able to kill you" The Lich said

"LICH!!!" Finn yelled as he charged the Lich

Adventure time fanfic: Ooo's new PrinceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora