Chapter 11

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"Luka-san? Are you still sad?"

Luka sat there fidgeting on her designer heels, without replying. "Come on, Luka! You got to forget about Gakupo! He's a jerk and you'll see that it was worth dumping him!" I said. But whatsoever, Luka only sits there miserably and carried on sulking.

AND speaking of Gakupo, it was a right timing because that Gakupo came into our classroom. He just walked in and asked. "Hello? Is there a girl name Luka here?" I almost puked at his sight. Like....Look at him! He has really long purple hair which was tied up into a ponytail like a girl, he wore a....slinky yukata and had a sword by his side. Hey! If HE ever wanted to look like a girl, then would've asked Caitlyn Jenner! What? I was only saying...

Me and Rin stood up right at the same time and quickly blocked Luka who turned around and stuck her back at his face. Gakupo only comes to us and asked. "Have you seen--"

"Yeah! We DID saw her and she's here! What do you want playboy??" I interrupted rudely.

He gave us a look like if I WAS the one who was being stupid and said. "Excuse me, I'm her date and she would be at least be expecting you to be well-mannered as you're her classmate and friend??" I just laughed at that funny guy and said. "We're not JUST her classmate and friend, WE'RE HER BEST FRIEND and she told EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU!" Gakupo's face changed and he looked defeated and shocked. "You DON'T even know HOW MUCH tears she had to cry out and HOW much she sulked because of you!" I yelled. "Get lost! She doesn't need you anymore! She realized her mistake of being with you and she even swore she didn't want to see you in her eyes ever again!"

But that dick doesn't back away and said. "Make me."

I stood aside as Rin zoomed over to him in a sound of light and made a cut on his cheek, leaving slight blood to drool down from his dirty face. He looks at the blood dripping down by touching the blood with his fingers, and then at Rin whose eyes glowed purple and licked the blood off her fingers. But that didn't stop Rin from attacking him.

Gakupo took out his katana, but that became useless in a flash because it was cutted down into pieces like sashimi and he begins to back away as Rin slashed her fingers at him and hissed. I had never seen her so furious in my life, but it's all because that purple douche-bag.

"Alright! We'll make a deal--"

"I don't want any deal! All I WANT is you to perish you out of my sight before I suck your soul out!" Rin hissed and KICKED him right in the stomach.

Did I ever mention nine tails have SUPER-STRENGTH??

Gakupo just sat there at the door coughing and wincing at the pain as he held his stomach. "Go back to your whores and tell them to give you a booboo!" I yelled and slammed the door FLAT at his face.

Me and Rin clapped ('Nailed it' clap) and went over to Luka who smiled and sniffed a tear. "Thanks so much you guys! You guys are the bestest supportive friends ever!" She sniffed.

I went back to the door to see no one there, and sighed. We REALLY did sure took him a daycare lesson! If it weren't for Rin, I would've been sliced in half by the sword. Actually, what am I talking about? The next time I that guy, I'll put a curse into him. A spell to make him ugly forever. Yeah, it's one of the basic spells a beginner wizard does.

Rin rubbed his shoulder and murmured as she looked at her fingernail to see any damage. "I should give myself another manicure layer. If I run out, I'll go to the beauty shop to buy more." I just smiled at her. I wonder how it feels like to be Rin? She's always wearing pretty clothings and has something like manicure or lip gloss on at all time, meanwhile it takes me a minute to get dressed and I don't like those stuff? It must be...frustrating and hard.

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