Chapter 8

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"Wakey wakey!~" Mikuo sang sprinkling stardust all over me, making me sit up from my bed, sneezing my head OFF. "Hey! What was--" Before I could say something, Mikuo shove a parcel right in my face. "Ta da!~ Your valentines day gift!!" He said.

I took the parcel and opened it. I was so surprised to see a cute star and moon phone strap sitting on a red cushion. "Wow! Thanks so much Mikuo!" I said hugging him. Mikuo grinned and sighed happily. "I actually made it. I knew you liked stars and moons so much since you were little, so I thought I could make this for you! I even made one for Rin-chan and Luka-chan!" He said. "It was worth it though."

Coming to think of Valentines day, I was working hard, helping Luka with her present for that Gakupo-guy. We made it perfect as possible after buying wrappers and ribbons just as Rin had suggested. But I feel kinda left out because I don't have a crush on anyone.

At school, everyone buzzing around like bees giving their crushes and lovers presents and chocolates. And as for Luki, he looked so annoyed because the girls were hovering over him with chocolates and even stuck love notes on his locker! I guess that's his penalty for being such a show off.

Luka ran over to me, squealing her heart out, saying how that Gakupo-guy accepted her present! It's all thanks to Rin who made up the idea and made our hard work totally worth it! Mikuo gave Luka her present, which Luka accepted because she loved her present. It was also a phone strap, but with pretty sea shell shaped diamonds and with her name is silver.

"Now I'll give Rin-chan hers! Now....Where is she?" Mikuo murmured looking around. Luka and I shrugged as we stared at our phone strap. "We haven't seen her today yet. But I hope she isn't sick today, otherwise she'd miss out the excitement and fun!!" Luka squealed.

That's when someone bumped into me and luka, so we both turned to apologize, but became face to face with....A sad looking Len who stumbled onto the ground. We could tell he was sad because his ears were drooped down. "Whoa, Len-kun, we're am SO sorry! Wait, let me he--" But then I stopped when I saw the card he had dropped. It was covered heart shaped glitters on the front and the words in gold paint said. "Happy Valetines, Rin!"

Len immediately picked it up to hide it, but he knew it was too late. "Len-kun, don't worry. I'm not getting angry. Mikuo, you go look for Rin, and Luka....?" Luka nodded and we both grabbed Len's hands and dragged him to the janitor's room. "Right, Len, are you alright? You look like someone had dumped you." Luka said putting her hand on her hips. Len looked away and said quietly. "It's nothing." but Luka didn't take that. "Come on Lenny! It's Valentines where we can have sunshine and love, but you're the only one sad here, so there must've been someone to broke your heart." I said. 

We picked up the card that len had in his hands, and read to see it was a love letter....For Rin! "I....I like Rin-chan." Len stammered. "That's why i didn't let anyone go near me and....And hid myself away so that no one would find out and spoil it to Rin-chan."

Luka and I looked at each other in shock, but we believed it. "Well, what happened when you gave it to her?" I asked. "Did she say something mean or did she just reject you?"

Len didn't say anything. He kept his mouth shut and refused to speak or look at us. We knew Len was a sort of person who won't speak even if you force him to, so we didn't bother to bombard him with 'pleases' and begging. "Okay, maybe things aren't ALWAYS sunshine and love, but seriously, come on! You're a guy and you're in love with a girl, so it's your responsible to MAN UP and steal her heart by surprising her with your creative thoughts and knock her feet off!" I cheered.

He looked up at us in shock as we both grinned at him. "Don't worry, HON! We're girls and we know what other girls want and like, that you might not know, so we'll cheer for you!" Luka added in lciking her fingers. "So leave it to us!" Len only smiled and said. "You don't need to do that for me you two....Because....If you found out why, then you'll see why it won't work."

"Oh, don't give us that! We're going to do it no matter what! 'Kay?" Luka teased pinching his cheeks.

"Ow!~ Okay! Okay, but I warned you....." Len said nervously.

I shoved the card back into his hands and we both grabbed his arm again, dragging him out of the room like a big puppet. We stopped then turned back at him saying. "Meet us at after school, and we'll talk!" Luka said and winked. "Yeah, and we'll tell you the secrets of stealing girl's hearts!

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