Chapter Three: Mommy

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My heart stopped at her words. My eyes were wide and I felt a sense of dread fill within me. Alarmed, I stood up and quickly put my shirt back on. I cautiously headed towards the bedroom Catherine was in. "Excuse me, what did you say?" I questioned, reaching the hallway. "I asked about your daughter. How is she?" Catherine repeated. 

Creeping into the bedroom, I noticed Catherine was putting away the supplies she had used just earlier. Stepping up behind her, I very coarsely whispered into her ear. "I never said I had a daughter..." I heard her whisper a curse softly to herself. Her body stiffened and she emitted a sense of fear and worry. "I uhh..." She hesitated, trying to find any sort of explanation for what she asked. She turned to face me, trying to step aside. I pinned her up against a wall, demanding to know why the hell she knew about my child. 

"How do you know I have a daughter?!" I interrogated, shouting loudly into her face. She closed her eyes and flinched away from my yells. She tried to escape, but I slammed my hand into the wall in order to show her I meant business. She sighed, staring down into the ground. "The jigs up. My real name is Erin Cayden." She muttered lowly. My heart fell into the pit of my stomach. I reached a hand up to her head and she flinched away once again. I removed the wig placed on her head, baffled by what was going on. "Ms.Cayden..." I whispered, seeing the brown wavy hair that exposed itself. I dropped the wig and grabbed her face, forcing her to face me. Her eyes pierced into me. That's when I realized the blue color was only a facade, contacts to throw me off.

"You hire me to teach your daughter, Mr.Ryder." She confessed in attempt to allow me to let her go. Erin's eyebrows furrowed as I tightened my grip on her face. "Would you like to explain to me what the hell is going on?" I interrogated. Erin grabbed at my wrist, trying to pry my hand off of her. To no avail, she continued to speak. "We all have secrets, Mr. Ryder. You have yours and I have mine." I searched her eyes for some sort of answer other than the bullshit excuse she just gave me. Memories flooding my mind and suddenly started to make sense. 

"I knew there was something about you that seemed familiar." I admitted. "I mean you and your daughter no harm! I promise. Just please, loosen your grip. You're beginning to hurt me." Cayden pleaded. I didn't change the expression on my face, leading her to assume I didn't believe her. "Your daughter's name is Annabelle. She's the sweetest little girl on the planet. She's home schooled. I could show you my degree if you just-" "Enough. I know you're not lying." I cut her off and let go of my grip on her. 

I noticed she was studying my stern, cold eyes. Perhaps she thought I was judging her for never allowing me to know about her true profession. "So what? You were hired to follow me? To keep tabs on me and my daughter? Is that why you took the job off to begin with?" The words fell off my tongue with ease. I was frustrated and upset with the turn of events that was occurring. I felt like such an idiot to expose my daughter to such a dangerous woman. 

"Well, I apologize for lying to you... but you lie to your daughter all the time..." She said in an upset tone. Her last words hit me like a ton of bricks. My words were caught in my throat and my eyes grew wide with anger. Erin raised both hands to her mouth and averted my eyes. I punched the wall next to her, my nostrils flared as I breathed deeply. "Don't you ever fucking talk about my daughter again." I ordered. She nodded quickly as her eyes were shut, her body hunched in fear. 

"I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me... I-" Erin stopped talking when she opened her eyes. Taking in the sight of my pissed off expression, I shook my head in disbelief. "Just take me home. I want to see Annabelle." I demanded. She sighed softly, guilt in her eyes. "Okay..." 

I walked outside before Cayden could regather herself. I honestly didn't want to see her any longer, much less allow her to continue teaching my daughter. Several moments later, Erin appeared outside as well and unlocked the car. I got in, not wanting to wait nor speak. She got in quietly, reversing the car out of the driveway. The whole ride was silent and awkward. I didn't bother to look at her whatsoever. 

When she pulled up to my house, I got out of the car without saying a word. Erin got out as well, following close behind me. She grasped my arm and stopped me from walking. "I wanted to genuinely apologize about earlier..." She began softly, her voice shaking. "I freaked out and wanted to tell you... That was actually the real reason for taking you to my place, but it changed when you became hurt. I wanted to be honest with you, Mr. Ryder. I'm so sorry it went on for this long before I could tell you." I turned around to see her tear filled eyes glistening in the moonlight. It struck me hard, reminding me of my own wife. She used to beg me to take her on long walks in the middle of the night. During those nights, she'd become emotional about how she felt like an inadequate mother for Annabelle. She'd cry to me under the moonlight, always leaving my heart aching for my beautiful wife who was always filled with so much pain. I softened up, furrowing my eyebrows and letting out a giant sight. I wrapped my arms around Cayden, imaging my wife as I did. I simply commanded her to go home. She pulled away and nodded, then walked back to her car. I stared at her as she entered the vehicle and drove away. I was alone, walking through my yard. The grass crunched beneath my feet with every step I took. Taking a deep breath, I unlocked and opened the door. 

"Daddy?" A small, frail voice called out. I knew that voice anywhere. My beautiful seven year old daughter clumsily ran up to me. Due to being blind, she reached out towards me with her hands, desperately trying to find my own hands. Chuckling, I put my right hand in hers. She ran her little hands all over my giant hand, observing every little scar and feature on my hand. A big smile formed on her lips. "It is you, Daddy!" Annabelle cried happily. I couldn't help but smile back at her. "It's me, baby girl." I confirmed to her. I picked her up and hugged her tightly, not wanting to ever let her go. She squeezed me back with all the she could muster.

I thought of how late it was and my fatherly instincts kicked in. "Do you know what time it is, little lady?" I asked Annabelle concerned. She looked at me with a shocked face, but then gave me a mischievous smile. "You know what happens to bad little girls who don't listen to their daddies!" I said sternly, letting go of her with my bad arm and proceeding to to tickle her. Annabelle only laughed in response as my fingers attacked her neck and other various tickle spots.

The babysitter, Raven, came out from the living room in a panic. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Ryder! I tried to put her to bed but she insisted on waiting for you." Raven apologized frantically. Annabelle giggled. "Guilty as charged, daddy!" She gave me a small kiss on the cheek and I couldn't help but let go any sort of repercussions for her. 

After setting down Annabelle, I pulled out the wad of cash and counted out two hundred dollars. "It's okay, Raven. There's a little extra in there for you. Go home and rest. I'm sorry, myself, for coming home this late anyhow. Thank you for staying this late once again." I responded, handing over the cash to Raven. "It really wasn't a problem. I told my parents the situation and they understand completely. They are willing to do anything ever since they heard the news about your wife. It's the least we can do to help." Raven explained. "Well, still. Thank you for everything. Your family is too kind. Would you like a ride over to your house?" I offered. She politely declined and explained that since it was just down the street, she could simply walk there. Raven thanked me and left the house. 

Locking the door, I picked up my sweet Annabelle once again. Her hands searched my face, prodding me in the eyes and cheeks. Her eyes were filled with worry. "It's me, Annabelle. Don't worry. You're safe. I won't let anything ever happen to you." I promised her. Any look of worry left her face as the ends of her mouth curved up. "I love you, Daddy." She snuggled herself on my shoulder, placing her head into the crevice of my neck. I examined her light brown hair which rested softly on her back. The color and texture was identical to my own short hair. "I love you, too, Annabelle." I whispered softly to her. Walking to my room, I set her down on my bed. Annabelle felt around, her eyes staring around blankly. After gathering her surroundings, a look of confusion was expressed on her face. 

"Is this your room, Daddy? Am I sleeping with you tonight?" Annabelle asked, her sweet voice was angelic to my ears. "Yes. I remembered how you always want to sleep with me." I told her as I made sure the windows were locked. I told Annabelle to wait for me as I checked the other windows in the house, and finally the door to the master bedroom. Quickly changing into a fresh pair of clothes, I joined my daughter in bed and laid next to her. I put my right arm protectively over her. She was oddly quiet and I knew my baby girl well enough to know she had something on her mind. "What are you thinking about?" I questioned her quietly. She didn't speak for a long while, convincing me she must've been sleeping. Finally, she replied. "...What was Mommy like?" She wondered aloud.

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