the thirty-first text

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the snow was melting, trees were budding, genevieve pouring herself some oatmeal smiled. her phone buzzed. she walked over to the table, putting down her bowl and unlocked her phone.

6:59 am

good morning, sunshine.

i'm tired of eating oatmeal.

that was a great greeting, genevieve.

and add some brown sugar, it tastes better with it.


and maybe i will?

12:24 pm

"and that's why i hate my english teacher," he said, cleaning his glasses.

"because he called you out for reading under your desk?"

"well, and also-" he said, running his hand through his hair, in an effort to smooth it down, "yeah, i guess that's it."

she let out a laugh, "you were reading."


she let out another laugh, "under your desk? you're such a-"

he cut her off, "nerd."

she elbowed his arm, "yeah, thanks for finishing my sentence."

"i've got a science club meeting to get to," x laughed, turning the corner.

"see ya, nerd."

2:21 pm

oh, forget to tell you.

your friend's back.

genevieve furrowed her eyebrows.

1:32 pm

you're back in school and didn't tell me?

she pulled her chemistry textbook out of her locker and heard a 'ping'.

her phone was on silent.

"well, it was supposed to be a surprise," he said, leaning against the locker beside her.

he looked so much healthier, smiling, wearing a red sweater, earbuds in.

"hey," she said, wrapping her arms around his neck.

he smelled faintly of cologne, which she decided she liked. pulling away he gazed at her like she was the only person that mattered. she blushed.

2:12 pm

you know what you should do after school?

what should i do after school?

find me in the parking lot.

oh so mysterious as always.

but alright.

a u t h o r ' s   n o t e :

hey hi hello

im in the midst of writing my physics report that needs to be done soon oops (but i somehow opened up wattpad and now i'm writing this authors note instead). procrastination: i know i'm not the only one who does it.

soz for the long wait guys, things got busy. & i'm thinking of doing nano this year, so gah things are going to get even busier o;

((holla at me if you're doing nanowrimo))

inevitxble made me this gorg cover : )) thank youu

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