Chapter 3: MistFire

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My heart was racing.. A dragon just saved me from falling to my death! As the dragon swooped down to the ground I slowly got off of it and stared. "Hi I'm MistFire." "H-hi I-I'm R-Rachel.." MistFire was the most beautiful creature I've seen. She had stunning blue wings with the rays of the sunlight were reflecting off of them. She was a Grayish Blue in color with spikes from the top of her head down to her tail. I didn't exactly notice that I was staring at her, so I found myself being watched by all the villagers surrounding us. On them I saw wings, horns, tails, an extra arm.. Many weird things, But I was fascinated. "Is that a human??" "Look she only has two legs!" "Does human taste good?" I heard the strange creatures murmur....that last questions scared me.

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