Chapter Two

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Y/n pov

Alex went to bed first, then mom, then dad. I was told to put out the fire before I go to bed. I agreed, of course. I was planning on sitting there for a while, that's all. About ten minutes in, a started to hear things. Footsteps, whispering, the red eyes. I finally had enough, I smothered out the flames with water, and then ran to my tent, quickly getting in and zipping it up. It was my imagination, I kept telling myself this while getting into my sleeping bag. I closed my eyes tightly, trying to sleep. Maybe it was just an animal. I finally calmed down, and fell asleep. 
I instantly woke up to screaming. I shot up, the screams grew louder, then stopped. I stumbled out of my tent, looking around the still dark area. The other two tents were smashed and torn. Blood was splattered everywhere. I looked around in panic, then my eyes landed on them. 
Three bodies. My parents, and Alex. All were dead. Alex had no eyes, his head chopped off. My parents were killed in a similar manner. Cuts covered their skin, pieces chopped off. My eyes widened, tears already falling. "N-no." I whispered, backing up. My back hit something, I gasped and spun around, jumping backwards. I looked up into bright red eyes that  seemed to almost glow. I screamed and tried running, instantly, someone else grabbed me, pinning my back to his chest. The one in front of me smirked, his dark brown hair pulled back, his grey shirt splattered in blood. I struggled, crying harder. In a flash, he tied my hands behind my back and shoved me to my knees. He walked to stand beside the other. He also had red eyes, and lighter brown hair that covered one. His white V neck was also splattered in blood, he held a bloody ax. "What should we do with her?" The one with dark brown hair muttered. "Cut her open." The hissed with a grin. I looked for anyway to escape, finding none that would work. "Hm, that's always an option..." He smirked, "How about this instead?" He whispered something that I couldn't hear. The one with the ax grinned and nodded, "Great idea." He threw the ax, I screamed as it landed right beside me, barely cutting my arm in the process. He chuckled and roughly grabbed me, forcing me to stand up, and grabbing the ax. He shoved me forward, "Walk." I whimpered but did, being cautious of them both. The one with an ax walked behind me, the other, beside me. 
My family was just murdered....and now the two killers are right here, taking me to what I can only my death.

Kidnapped -Insane Skylox x reader-जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें