the new baby

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February 1,1989

Just when Mary woke up she had pain in her stomach and rushed to the bathroom and started throwing up then after that was all over she grabbed a pregnancy test and the results came back positive. "John" Mary yelled. Then John saw the test and they got Sammy and Dean. "Hey boys your mommy has something very special to tell you okay go ahead hun" John held Mary's hand. "You both are going to be big brothers your gonna have a baby sister or baby brother" Mary smiled when the boys jumped up and down in joy. "When is he or she going to be born momma" Little Sammy asked while the boys started talking to there little brother or sister. "We don't know Sammy we'll just have to find out by going to the doctors and just until the time comes" John picked up both boys and with them giggling.

What a happy little family and no deaths and deals with the crossroad demon

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