Chapter 2: Pack vs Pride

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"Whats the matter, did I make you angry?" said the person "I suppose before I mop the floor with your blood we should introduce ourselves, that lion over there is my guardian Raiha, as for me I am Eritio Zentetsu Heir of house TrueIron, the noble civilization! I am the Strongest Swordsman alive! Raiha is the best of the best, so come now take your best shot weakling."Satagari moved faster than Eritio thought, Satagari appeared behind him and delivered a punch to the back. Eritio didn't move and made the attack seem like nothing,

"Like I said, I am the strongest fighter alive so while your speed is impressive you will never match the power I wield." Said Eritio as he shifted around and gave Satagari a blow to the face sending him crashing into the wall, Ishimaru ran towards Satagari but Raiha stopped him in his tracks,

"So wolf, do you have what it takes to survive?" Taunted Raiha

"Grrr, I've got more power than you think!" said Ishimaru as he ran towards Raiha and slashed him in the neck, Raiha's head turned but a smile crawled on his face.

"Ishimaru get away!" shouted Satagari, but it was too late. Raiha pushed his claws deep into the side pushing Ishimaru meters into the ground forming a huge hole.

"I-Ishimaru..." cried Satagari. Now on his feet and hatred and fire in his eyes Satagari got up, Picking up both of his blades. He pressed both of his stones, a glow was emitting from the hole Ishimaru was,

"Sync-Form!" yelled Satagari. He was covered in red light and then a huge flash erupted form his body. The light show was over and Satagari was standing in his sync-form. Red armor now covered his body and his daggers had gotten much longer, but since Ishimaru was unconscious Satagari had a huge power boost, taking all of the power from Ishimaru.

"Oh my god this is just adorable, look Raiha! He needs armor, no matter I'll finish him off in a minute." Said Eritio. Satagari smirked,

"W-What are you smiling for? Ready to die, well come on now fight me!" mocked Eritio

"Fight you? No, I want to kill you." Satagari said coldly, his eyes had turned red and you couldn't even see anything human in them. Eritio rushed Satagari and punched him square in the face but Satagari didn't move this time. He grabbed Eritio's hand shifted it away and punched him in the stomach, Eritio fell to his knees and started to cough blood.

"H-How, where did this power come from?!" questioned Eritio, "Sync-form should not give this much power to anyone no matter how powerful they may be!"  What happened to that power in his eyes? He seems like he can't even take a punch from young boy, thought Satagari

"So what was that about me being weak? About you getting rid of me in a minute?" mocked Satagari

"You know what! F*** you!" yelled Eritio, "SYNC-FORM!" A yellow flash of light came from both Raiha and Eritio, finally when they had finished both of them had been covered in yellow armor he also now wielded two swords,   

"So how do you like it? You're not the only one who can transform! If you think that I, Eritio Zentetsu, Heir of house TrueIron, the noble civilization! I'm the 12 time tournament winner, I will not be beat by the likes of you!" Said Eritio, He dashed towards Satagari and slashed at his neck. Satagari was too fast for him as he put up a blade to block the swing, Eritio swung swiftly with the other blade directly at his head, and Satagari blocked that one as well.

"Tell me Eritio, does a prideful warrior as yourself experience fear?" taunted Satagari

"How foolish, me the strongest man in the world! You have surely hit your head a bit too hard on the wall over there." Said Eritio, Satagari kicked Eritio's feet out from under him causing him to fall, he brought up his knee to meet Eritio's face and sent him flying straight into Raiha. Just as Eritio was getting up Satagari was already at his feet with a blade aimed at his chest,

"Tell me why have you done what you've done? What has driven you to become who you are, what are the things that keep you going?" questioned Satagari

"I am the heir to my family and the rightful person to rule over the wealth and power my clan has created, it is my duty to protect my people. My journey to become strong started long ago." Answered Eritio

"Good answer." Said Satagari as he raised his dagger and slid it back into the sheath, he raised a hand towards Eritio, taking his hand and getting up from the ground Eritio paused,

"What was that for?" he asked

"I was trained in the Order of the Sword, but not as a warrior instead as a highly rated assassin. There was no way you were going to even with your power for my speed puts that strength to no use. My hand is extended for peace and friendship."

"So you want to be my friend? After all I did." He responded

"Let's be honest, I did much more but yes, I would love to have someone as strong as you." Said Satagari

"Well then, there's one more thing I need to know." asked Eritio

"That would be?" said Satagari

"Your name." he said

"My name, its Satagari Akimoto, my partner in crime over there is Ishimaru Tachikaze." He answered

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2015 ⏰

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