Chapter 1: The Warrior

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Sprinting through alleyways and jumping over garbage cans and fences Satagari knew that he would lose them at this rate. Ishimaru was right beside him and was probably thinking the same, they had been running for 30 minutes and 41 seconds.

"Maybe we shouldn't have gotten you that chew toy!" Satagari said jokingly

"It's odd that they haven't caught up, we're barely running!" said Ishimaru as he kicked up the pace. Ishimaru was Satagari's wolf guardian, Children at the age of twelve receive a guardian that matches their past history and attitudes. Like Ishimaru, Satagari could run incredibly fast. He had once come as close as to running faster than a car going 45 km/h. Bending around the next corner they came to a halt to realize that this was a dead-end, they turned around to hear the screams and shouts of the group they stole from approaching closer and closer.

"Well I guess they caught us, nothing to do now but surrender." Whispered Satagari as a smirk grew on his face. As he finished the sentence he raised his left hand to the upper side of his right arm, there sat his guardian stone. He had an armband, one on each arm, by placing a hand on Ishimaru and a finger on a stone he could copy the abilities of Ishimaru. The group turned around the corner just as Satagari said,

"Sync!" A red aura flashed from the stone, Ishimaru's stone started to flash, after everything was done you couldn't even notice a change in the appearance of Satagari and Ishimaru. But their speed had increased dramatically.

"Kid we are going to give you one more chance to give back the food you stole, one chance only." said the tallest man in the group. Satagari only smiled, and even went as far as laughing, he was on his knees laughing when out of no where he threw a dagger at the man. It embedded itself into the man's chest inches from his heart,

"Don't worry, the only thing on that dagger besides you're blood is a drug, Zophidem is it's name. In the next 10 seconds you're going to be lying unconscious for the next 12 hours." mocked Satagari. The man collapsed onto the ground, but before he was knocked out he yelled,

"Get that son of a bitch!". All 12 of the other men came running towards Satagari and Ishimaru, Holding various tools: Wrenches, Screw drivers, PVC tubes. All Satagari had to do was take them out.

30 seconds, 30 seconds and we are done. He told himself that, He drew both long daggers and covered them in Zophidem, Ishimaru had his claws dipped in the substance as well.

"Are you ready Ishimaru?" he asked

"First one done their side wins!" he said immediately sprinting away hacking at the men in front of him. Satagari was twisting around people slashing and jumping, ducking and rolling, just giving small jabs here and there. 15 seconds left, he counted on, slashing and counting. 8 more seconds, 5 more. He sprinted now, jumping, grabbing onto window ledges and jumping onto of the clueless people who thought they had a chance. 3 more seconds, 1 second. As he finished he smiled, 13 unconscious bodies lying before him. he moved towards the first man who mocked him, placed a note under his chin and left.

Sitting by a garbage can, Satagari and Ishimaru dug into the food they had stolen. A small but warm fire helped them heat up some of the meat and hotdogs.

"Save some for later Ishimaru." ushered Satagari. He decided that they should head on back "home", even if it was a hole under the bridge. As they lingered around a park for an hour Satagari thought they should head out, they walked down the street and jumped up onto the rooftop of a building.

"So, home first or do you want to find some trouble?" asked Satagari

"You know me, let's get into some trouble!" said Ishimaru with an upbeat tone. Running around the alleys and jumping over cars they had come to a stop, a loud thud had caught their attention.

"Did you hear that Ishimaru?" asked Satagari

"Yes, although it sounds more of a blade smashing cement." answered Ishimaru. They moved into the open slowly approaching the park, it was midnight so Satagari was wondering how anyone would be out this late. Moving with a bit more stealth Satagari now had both of this blades out, along with a throwing knife at easy access. Out of nowhere they heard a loud roar.

"Ishimaru! What was that?" whispered Satagari

"Sounded like a lion, i'll head to the right you keep going straight." said Ishimaru as he sprinted away. Satagari moved steadily now, keeping his eyes and ears open for any slight changes in sound. Just as he thought that they might have not heard anything a huge explosion erupted in the same area Ishimaru was.

"Shit!" he swore under his breath, running as hard as he could. He saw that the attacker had missed Ishimaru by 10 feet,

"Ishimaru, are you okay?" asked Satagari

"Fine, be careful this guy's strength is overwhelming." said Ishimaru

"Show your self coward! Stop hiding and come out!" demanded Satagari, the lion moved into sight but along with him was a human. So it's another guardian, this should be good, thought Satagari.

"Hello there, what a beautiful night is it not?" said the person

"Shut up, we don't need to know that, i want an explanation for why you attacked!" said Satagari

"Attacked? I do remember a wolf interrupting our training, but not me attacking such a weak guardian." he said while smirking

"Weak? Oh now you'll see who's weak" said Satagari as he drew both blades.

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