{242} mental illness...

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Depression; it makes you feel like you're
not worth it. That everyone in your life
doesn't care about you, that they don't
even notice your existence. It makes you
hate yourself, and everything else around
you dull. Please know that you are strong.

Loneliness; it hurts so much to have this
feeling. You have such an empty feeling
in your chest, and you don't know
where you can find comfort from. It
pains what ever is left of you because
you know that even if you're surrounded
by people, you're alone. It's a horrible
feeling that hurts too much. Please know
that you are not alone as to how much it
feels like it.

Suicidal; you want to die. You think about
dying but you're too afraid to do if. You go
on through your days struggling and it feels
like you're drowning. You can't look at things
anymore without imagining how to take your
life with it. That's terrifying. Please know that
you are worth living.

Anxiety; you can think that you are not normal.
That you can never be normal and it hurts.
You get scared when even the slightest touch
comes near your way and you shake when you're
surrounded by people you do not know. Your
hands sweat, your heart beat quickens and you
want to cry. Please know that you are normal,
even with anxiety. You're just a little different
from others, and that's okay.

Self Harm; you think it takes the pain away,
but it doesn't. It numbs you and gives you a
distraction for the pain inside of you. But it's
not the right way to go, it's never the right way
to go but sometimes it feels like our last option.
Please know that it's not.

You're all fücking fighting and I believe in you. Mental illness doesn't define you.

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