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I am holding this little bundle of blankets

who wiggle around every few seconds

I hold her close to me

her eyes are shut tight

her little fists punching the air

she is so pale

she looks alot like her father

his pale skin she inherited

she has his blonde hair

but my curls

she has my fathers dimples

and my mothers eyelashes

Mitchel comes next to me

He looks down at my daughter

I hold her little clenched fists

"What are you going to name her?" Mitchel asks

My daughter opens her eyes and I gasp

her eyes

they're, they're 


I smile at my little bundle of joy

"Violet." I said

"Her name is Violet." I spoke 

I placed my lips oh her forehead

and kissed her

then I whispered into her ear

"I'm not giving you up."

I held onto her now open hand

and watched her curl her fingers around my pinky

"You are my daughter and no body else's."

I told her 

and she smiled showing her little dimples...

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