May 17,2013 (kept forgetting sorry)

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Today marks the two-month-iversery of my injury. Since March 17, I have had 2 xrays, an MRI, 6 physical therapy appointments, 3 appointments with a specialist, and many questions. We wondered about RSD, which unfortunately has crippled my uncle. But, luckily, the doctor finds that unlikely. He claims I may have a nerve problem and his friend agrees. Dr.Baker, a neurologist, (my doctor's friend) was called by my specialist and they decided to prescribe 2 different types of cream (anti-inflamatory and numbing), order me a TENS unit (T.... ELECTRIC NERVE SIMULATOR) , and schedule me an appointment with Dr.Baker in 3 weeks. I started the numbing cream last night (while waiting for other orders). I wore the cream under a fingerless latex glove at school and felt like the guy from the Breakfast Club :). I reapply the cream frequently but don't feel a difference. Then again, I haven't tried it for very long . Yesterday my mom was look up prices for my medication. One was very expensive and she said "Well I have your birthday money." I replied with, "I don't care I'd rather have my hand."

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