Chapter Twenty

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"Ooo, Diggy and Hazel sitting in a tree, k - i - s - s - i - n - g." Miley giggled uncontrollaby and Hazel laughed too. It was great seeing those two interact...she's so good with kids. And people in general.

"Hey, I don't think we've met before," Hazel stood up and stuck her hand out to Russ.

"No, but it feels like I have. The lovely Hazel, nice to meet you." He shook her hand. "Russy." He said.

"RusTY!" Miley joked.

"Miley, thats not very nice." Hazel said, holding back a smile.

"Little rascal loves to tease," Russy smiled and ruffled her hair before he left the room taking her with him. "Nice meeting you, Hazel!"

"You too!" She smiled.

All of the food was done and I placed them on plates. "Chef BoyarDiggy!" I cheesed, showcasing the food I made.

"You're so silly," She giggled grabbing a plate to get some food.

We both got our plates and sat on the red stools in the kitchen. "Its so good," She said, her mouth stuffed with food. "Sorry thats rude," she giggled.

"Thank you princess." I smiled at how adorable she was.

After we finished our food, Hazel spoke.
"You do know that we need to talk about what happened right?" She said softly. "I mean, you're forgiven and all of that but we need to talk." She said.

I looked at her and nodded knowingly. "Whatever you want baby."

"Okay. So that day when you had me drive you to the airport to break up with Jonna...what happened in there? You just decided not to?" She asked, her eyebrows stitched together and her face scrunched up.

She is the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life, I dont know how I lied to her like that. I sighed. "No...I had it all set in my mind what I was going to say but she looked so...I don't know...Like I knew for a fact I no longer had feelings for her, but I still didn't want to hurt her. But I wanted you. So I told you I did even though I didn't. But I messed up bad." I admitted. "And I'm sorry." I said sincerely.

She looked at me for a moment and nodded. "Okay." She said. "Old news," she smiled. "And you're sure that there are no other secrets or anything I should know?" She said half jokingly.

I thought for a moment about Kiara Henderson, but decided not to. I mean when Kiara and know...I was with Jonna, not Hazel, so I don't think its necessary to tell her. And Kiara seems to like Hazel so I'm sure she'll keep her mouth shut. "Yup." I smiled. "I promise you that there are no other secrets." I said.

"Okay." She smiled. "And Im sorry too. For, you know...accepting all those gifts you sent and everything-,"

"I know I know. Its okay." I said. She had no reason to feel like anything was her fault. She was the definition of perfect and I just mess things up, but I'll do better for sure.

Hazel began coughing loudly and I looked at her with concern. "Hazel," I called out as she coughed into her hand. "Are you okay?"

"I've been feeling a little sick lately." She said. "But Im okay." She smiled. Shes always so positive no matter what. I love that about her. Shes so childlike...not childish, child like. She has the innocence and pure heart of a kid. Its so adorable.

Diggy Simmons | Someone Like Daniel Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora