Half Loved ~ Chap 19: Juggling Phases

Start from the beginning

“Yes, I’m pretty sure you did.” He laughed.

“Granpa, I brought my friends with me!”

“Oh, isn’t that a good idea?” he smiled, oblivious to my panic. “I want to meet them.”

“Gramps, they were my friends when I was a guy.”

“Yes, yes, ye—oh my!” he gasped, finally realizing why I was so worked up. I can’t help but face palm myself at granpa’s hilarious reaction.

“What do I do?” I asked them both.

“Well,” Micah said as he scratched his head. “You can cut your hair off and pretend to be a boy.”

“Ugh! Really Micah?! Not helping!” I sighed in frustration.

“What? It’s not like you could go out there and say ‘hey guys, I’m Andy, and I’m really a girl. Or at least I was.’” He said imitating my voice.

“Oh stop it you two.” Gramps said with smile.  “How about you check up on them? Micah could keep them occupied until you phase.”

“I suppose I could do that.” Micah agreed and I couldn’t agree more. I could just follow them and wait out when I phase into a guy again. That’s not such a bad idea right?

“Okay. Go ahead now you two. I’ll see you later.” He smiled, giving me a final hug.

“Happy Birthday gramps. I promise I’ll see you later.” I said as I hugged him back. “I’ll give you my gift by then!”

“Okay, okay.” He smiled as he led us off. “Though technically, it’s not yet my birthday, wait till twelve kiddo.”

~Cam’s POV~

The guys and I took our wet clothes off and hanged them outside the balcony. Ashley was on another room after all, so I guess it’s okay to parade around in our underwear. Finding a stack of towels at one of the drawers, I handed one to each of them. “Here.” I told Jace, catching him off guard.

“Thanks.” He muffled, as he dried himself. Here he goes again with the stiffness.

“Guys, you need to come here!” Liam said, his voice echoing in the bathroom. We did as he said and damn, he was right, we needed to go there! “There’s a freaking hot tub that can fit 6 people in the guest bathroom!” He exclaimed, jumping inside the empty tub.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Tyler said, joining Liam.

They turned on the jets and warm water sprayed all over them, clouding the bathroom with warm mist. They both looked expectantly at me and Jace, and before we knew it, we were dragged to the tub. Jace looked like he was debating on fighting back, or letting them pull him in, but in the end, the cockiness of these two won him over.

 “Hey guys.” Carter’s cousin Micah called off as he stepped inside our room.

“Hey!” Tyler said, his voice echoing. “We’re in the tub!” Micah then stepped in and laughed at the scene happening before him.

“Correct me if I’m wrong, but is this what I think it is?” he laughed as he leaned by the door. “Cause if I am, then no, there’s nothing sketchy about a bunch of half naked guys in a tub.”

“Why, is the college kid too cool for some bro time?” Liam teased as he laughed with the others.

“Where’s Carter?” Jace asked suddenly, making us all look behind Micah. Tyler and Liam joined in on his query and looked for Carter.

“Catching up with the birthday boy, what else?” Micah laughed as he sat on the bed. “Oh, and I passed by Ashley on the way here. She told me you guys can wander off since she wanted to enjoy a warm bath.”

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