The Greatest Minecraft Video Ever

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Ive got a lovely bunch of coconuts


All of them are standing in a row.


Big ones! Small ones! Some as big as your head!


I've think I've done it! 

I've think I've finally figured out a way to get us back home!

I don't think I want go back to Earth. 

After flying around for two months, you sort of get the hang of it.

Well your in luck because I've forgoten the plan anyway! 

And your making a point!

Floating around in space is pretty neat.

You know what that would be perfect for?

The opening to the greatest Minecraft video?

Aw yeah!"

I float in space, staring at the world.

Try to think what I can do to make a Minecraft video.

It has to be the greatest of all time!

It would go down some lines.

So I did some research and found out what I;

It needs some lasers and some sharks.

And all the actors in the video,  need to have the skins of famous Youtubers.

It should be the greatest of all time!

Notch'll battle Herobrine. Not so epic, yeah.

Add Chuck Norris!

Then ill go on to show you awesome mods.

Do a little parkour.

It'll be so hardcore!

Then I'll add some cinematics everywhere.

You'll be blind from cool.

Then I'll simply mention toast.

"Oh, I love toast!"

*Cows singing*

Then the chorus will be animated!

With heaps of action! And Creepers!

Oh, so many Creepers!

And Herobrine will slay Chuck Norris.



So many explosions!




Then I'll add some super massive builds.

One most likely be a volcano and a Roman structor.

Then I'll add billions of effects.

Ones that don't even make sense.

Like this duck filter. This is how a duck sees.

This will also be a snapshot video.

I'll show you the new features, of a secret beta.

This'll be the opening of a future Minecon.

Even the secret ones, you the know that AH!

I can't tell you.

But I must admit. I love every bit of Minecraft.

Every single part.

The Blocks, the Pigs, the Sheep, the Cows, the Reeds, the Ocelots.

All of them are so awesome.

And I can tell the world that I'm a Minecraft nerd.

And I've built every plan an been to the far lands.

And at the end of the day..

I can simply say!

That the Minecraft, is so awesome!

With heaps of action! And Creepers!

Oh, so many Creepers!

And Herobrine will slay Chuck Norris.



So many explosions!




Then the video ends.

And you can't comprehend.

This awesome.

It's so damn awesome. 

So remember to Like, Comment, Subscribe!

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