"QUIT YOUR FAKE SMILE AND SAY SOMETHING IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY TO ME!!" Naruto yelled out at, no doubt, Sai. More voices were heard and it got clearer as I stepped out of the building. I could see Team Kakashi all debating about something, Sakura holding a book in her hands. I could have listened in if I wanted too, but Yamato behind a tree listening in interested me more. I wonder if I could sneak up on him? That'd be pretty impressive..

I grinned taking up my new self challenge and slyly made my way to Yamato. Stepping over to the opposite side of the tree, concealing chakra and yet using it to make my way up the side. I crouched on a branch straight over head of Yamato. "What's up?" I asked loudly, and cheekily. Yamato flinched and cranked his head up to me with wide eyes. "WHA-A-Kisha!?" I flashed a peace sign before jumping down to the ground. "So I can sneak up on you? Hah." I turned away victorious. 

"W-what? Hey! I was in thought back there!" I ignored Yamato's excuses. I heard him heave a sigh. "Fine, whatever. Team Kakashi, it's time to depart!" He yelled over. 


I leaned against a tree in the forest. It's another day again and now Naruto and Sai have to learn to work together. It wasn't going well... Yamato had to pair us up at last night's talk of the mission. Naruto and Sai. Sakura and Yamato. Myself as a back up for either teams in need. Naruto squirmed around being caught in Sai's ink trap trying to capture Yamato in this training simulation. Sai jumped away leaving the trapped Naruto and heading off for Yamato. I almost laughed. He's not very good at team work, is he? 

"Excellent capture Sai! Simulation ends here." Yamato's voice traveled over to us. I walked over to Naruto, releasing him with a cut of a senbon needle. Naruto nodded me a thanks, but his attention was focused on Sai as he stomped over to him. "Hey! Do you even know what 'comrade' means?" Sai titled his head in confusion. "Yes, what about it?" Sakura stepped forward. "Hold on Naruto-." "Don't lay the blame on others for your own minimal amount of ability." Sai said, interrupting Sakura.

Sai went on to explain. "I kept to the mission at hand and went for the success. I didn't want to have to watch over you like a child." Naruto narrowed his eyes and gave Sai a little shove. "I'll never consider you a member Team Kakashi." I sighed. "This was so pointless.." Yamato nodded, standing next to me. "It was, wasn't it?" "Yeah." I answered back.

Sai continued on talking and I stopped listening until he turned the topic to Sasuke. "What would he have done? Fought while looking after you? ...The one who betrayed the village and injured you, yet you still consider him a friend?"  Naruto stared at Sai with a fierce look, determination lingering in his eyes too. "Yes. If it's to save that friend, I'll do anything, even work with the likes of you." Naruto turned around and started walking. Sai seemed confused. "Why does he care that much?" Sakura went on for Sai. "Naruto thinks of Sasuke as a brother... You have a brother too, don't you understand that feeling?" 

Sai has a brother? Huh.

Sai gave Sakura a fake smile. "Not at all, I don't have what you consider to be emotions." Sakura seemed lost while I snickered to myself. He has an emotion, being a jackass to Naruto. Which does count as an emotion... I think.. I frowned to myself. I just ruined my own joke..

Sakura and Sai continued talking while I grabbed my bag from the tree I was leaning against. We were leaving soon enough. I turned back around to the two. Sai looked confused again. "What kind of expression should I have used?" I titled my head in question. "For what?" He looked at me, blank of emotion. "For when I said my brother died." Pity, curiosity, and shock filled me in an instant hearing those words. Sakura looked at Sai bewildered. "Uh... What ever feels natural, I suppose." Sai smiled the fake smile. "Nothing feels natural." 

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