Packing or Crying

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Ciara's POV

I know today is only the first day of my three day count down before moving, but my mom want's us to have everything ready because our father gets home later this week on Friday. Also, since my stepfather is a truck driver and is out all week except the weekends, she takes this time as her get everything out time. I watch from my window how my sister sits in the backyard on the phone with her boyfriend crying, and I think of just how much I am going to miss Brandon. My sister then gets off the phone and starts walking towards the hill in our yard. It's a giant steep hill in the yard that goes down towards the small ponds and rocks below. Then I realize what my sister is doing, I run down the stairs and out the back door towards my sister just as she reaches the edge I scream to her to stop. She turns to me and smiles,

"Ciara always know that I was only trying to protect you, and love you as best as I could.", and then she takes a step back and disappears.

I scream as I run to the edge to find my sister at the bottom of the hill, she has landed on top of a rock and there is blood around her feet. I quickly take off my shoes and make my way down trying not to fall. I make it to the bottom I grab my sister's head and hold her close, I then check for a pulse and I feel hope again.

My sister still has a pulse, but she is bleeding out fast. I put her on my back as I make my way up the hill holding on to different rocks and using sticks to pry myself up. I make it to the top of the hill as my mother comes out from the house, my mother drops to the ground and my brother's come out from behind her. The oldest of my younger siblings, Landen sees me and Kira he runs over to help and when he reaches us, I tell him to call the ambulance he listens and runs into the house taking my other siblings with him up to their rooms. I drag Kira to my mother and I push on her chest to try and bring air into her body, Kira's eyes are closed but her mouth is twitching. I yell at her to wake up and her eyes stay closed, my mother lays beside me crying for my sister. I yell at my mother to stop crying cause I will not let her die, as I continue to pump air into her chest.

Finally, Kira's eyes open and she looks at me and smiles then says, "They told me that you were my angel in disguise all along.", and then her head falls to the side and I begin to cry.

Just then the ambulance arrive and they carry my sister into the back of the truck my mother tries to get in but I grab her arm, and tell her to get my brothers and sisters I will ride with Kira. Surprisingly, my mother listens and she rushes into the house. I hold Kira's hand as she bleeds from her mouth, back, and legs. I watch as her chest slightly almost unnoticeable rise and lowers to show she is breathing. On the way to the hospital, all I think of is how many times we have been there for each other and how it might all end today.

We reach the hospital and they rush Kira in I wait hopefully in the waiting room, and wait for them to come with news of Kira. After about twenty minutes the doctor comes out with his head bowed. I almost drop to the floor and begin to beat myself up, but he comes over and says, "If it wasn't for you being there and pumping air into her body she would have died, but luckily we have her stabilized enough for you to come in and see her now. Just as he says this my mother comes rushing in with my brother's and sister's all of them wearing their night clothes and hair pulled into ponytails, except my brothers of course. I tell my mother that I will come right back so she can see Kira. My mother sits with my younger siblings, and I watch as they all try to sit on her lap as she lays back and begins to cry.

I walk into the room with Kira and her eyes are barely open, but I know she sees me because she smiles big. I close the door behind me and sit beside her on the bed.

"So Kira how are you feeling besides pain and all?", I ask her

"Honestly, I feel nothing right now. But I do know I am very lucky to have an angel as my younger sister. I mean just imagine if you weren't there I would have died, and no one would have known I was there and I would have died looking at the sky.", I put my hand over her mouth to keep her from saying anything else about death.

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