Chapter Five

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Tim's POV

That was almost tragic. If she would have found out, I dont

even know What would happen.

"Babe?" She asked as she walked into the bedroom.

"Yes dear?" I turned and smiled.

"We should have a movie and music day."


"Yep. Can we?"

"Sure! Why not? It'd be fun, like our old date nights." I

smiled and grabbed her hips and pulled her closer to


"Yay! I'll go get the movies, and oldies fixed up, you can do

What ever you need. Shower, change, settle, wharf ever. Just,


"Alright." I laughed as she ran out of the bedroom skipping.

So I guess we're having a movie night. Man, I hope she picks out something like O, either where art thou. It would be a great night. I need to call Keith before he thinks I just ditched him. I picked up my phone and went to his contact.

"Hello?" He said sleepily.

"Good morning handsome." I chuckled into the phone.

"Hey babe. Where'd you go? I woke up half an hour ago and you weren't here, so I went back to bed."

"I had to come home. Me and Faith are having a movie night. Hey! Maybe she'll let you come!"

"That'd be awesome man!"

"I'll ask her and text you."

"Fine by me. Just let me know the time!"

"Alright, I'll probably see you in a bit."

"Alright, love you."

"Love you too. Bye."


God, you have to love his voice. It made my body get this sensation! It was like one of the best sensations I've ever had. Better go down to Faith.

Keith's POV

Tim, Tim McGraw. His southern voice sends chills right down my spine. I can imagine his beautiful brown eyes looking into mine when he spoke over the phone. I really want to go over there tonight, hopefully she'll say Yes! I have to get ready just in case.

I walked into my bathroom and found Tim's shirt on the floor.. Oh tim. I just smiled to myself and slipped the shirt on over my head. I pulled my jeans on and slipped my feet Into my boots. I didn't bother to spray anything on, I love the smell of Tim. I walked down the stairs and I sat at my bar watching a rerun of Tim's Superstar Summer Nights. He is so hot.

Faith's POV

Tim came walking down the stairs looking like he was trying to build up the courage to ask me something. What is wrong with him? He'll just usually flat out ask.

"Anything wrong Tim?" I asked.

"No. I just need to ask you something."

"Alright, ask away."

"Since Nicole is out of town and he has nothing to do, can we have Keith over to watch movies and such?"

I had to think for a moment, I want to have alone time with Tim, but I have a feeling that Keith knows Tim was going to ask. I don't want to disappoint. I finally said "Sure Babe! It would be fun!"

"Yay. Thanks babe. I love you."

"I love you too." He is so full of rumpcake.


Note from Jasmine.

I know these chapters are short and sweet, I'll try to make them longer as the story progresses. Keep voting! Thanks!

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