Book Part 2

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"This isn't a Christmas special! This is my life. In the real world, miracles and goodness just don't happen."


"It's late, I'm tired, and your cigarettes are giving me a headache," I growled.

"I suppose that's fair." He drew in on the cigarette and let out the smoke. "Some women think they make me look sexy."

"I think you smoke them so you have something to do while thinking up your next witty line."


"Hey there, Hop-Along,"


"Well, I'm sure you guys'll be happy together. She's just your type, too- I know how much you like women who aren't your own age. I mean, she's what, six years older than you? Seven? And I'm seven years younger than you."


I hadn't gotten far when I ran into Mason. Good God. Men everywhere.


"Apparently," he said. "I've hardly seen you at all since we got back. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were avoiding me."

"I am avoiding you."


"You just littered!" I yelled.

"Above the rules, Rose," he called back. "Above the rules."

"I don't give a fuck go pick it pack up!"


Russian: ты, сука! {Be-Suka} = You bitch!

French: salope! {sa-lope-a} = You bitch

Russian :пошел на хуй {Ba-shu-na-oi} = Fuck you

Russian: дерьмо {Gi-na-morre} = Shit

Russian :Это ерунда {Eta-yer-une-da} = This is bullshit


"Yeah, according to my - Hey, are you staring at my chest?"

He was studying me closely, but his eyes were no longer on my face. I crossed my arms over my chest and glared.

"I'm staring at your shirt," he said. "The color is all wrong."


"And it'll all be pointless anyway, because you won't stay alive long enough in prison to stage your grand plans. You aren't the only one with connections."


"You will lose what you value most, so treasure it while you can." She pointed to the Wheel of Fortune card. "The wheel is turning, always turning.


"Yeah? Are you afraid of my possibly insane dark side coming out?"

"No, I'm afraid of your normal Rose Hathaway side coming out, the one that isn't afraid to jump in without thinking when she believes something is right."

I gave him a dry look. "Is there a difference?"

"Yes. The second one scares me."


But I couldn't. I just needed a few more seconds, a few more seconds to drink him in before I killed him. And that's when he spoke.

"Roza." His voice had that same wonderful lowness, the same accent... it was all just colder. "You forgot my first lesson: Don't hesitate."

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