Part 2

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American Horror Story really gets into my head I don't even know what they were thinking when they made it. I was currently 45 minutes into that freaky ass but addicting show and literally Lady Gaga slays my li- my thoughts get interrupted buy a call. I didn't even care who it was so I just slid the unlock and paused AHS. 'Hello?' I ask to whoever it is. 'Oh hey, it's Dave sorry to interrupt you, but did you want to go get some frozen yogurt and sit at the beach like we used to, well with no parents of course haha' Oh it's Dave.

I looked at the time 5:30. I smiled and nodded my head. Wait, he can't see that dummy. 'Uh yeah of course Dave meet at fro-yo on south street at 6?' I ask him. 'Oh yeah defs inks' 'cool see then' I say and got up from my bed. Sorry Lady Gaga, I'll have to watch you slay my life later. I questionably think about how weird I am and go to my closet because I'm not wearing a sports bra and a thong out.

I just put on a white t-shirt dress and black Birkenstocks. I decided that we would probably go into the Pacific Ocean, so I put on my black seafolly bikini. I look in the mirror and practised a bit of smiling and of course I gotta do a little dance because you know, well I don't even know. I pit my phone and some money in a tiny black crossover.

I waved by to my mommy and sissy and told them I was going out. I walked down because I literally live on South street, it only takes 2 minutes. I checked the time and it read 6:05 where is Dave I thought.

I was on my phone and felt a pat on my shoulder. I freaked and turned around it was Dave, and his brother Jessie! I haven't seen him since either. He was two years older than me and I used to have a big crush on him. "Jessie!' I say and give him a hug. "It's been so long inka! You look really good now" he says and looks at me. I laugh and say "thanks and hey dave" "yeah hey sorry we were late, Jessie insisted on coming" he says. I just laugh at how cute he is.

We walk into fro-yo and get my cup and fill mixed berry and tart. I say hi to Zeke, the cashier who knows me pretty well. "Hey inka how you doing today?" "Good thanks Zeke how about you?" "Good Inka haha" I smile and put strawberries, chocolate chips and caramel bananas. They guy made theirs and we walked to the beach. I talked to both of them about life and friends and stuff they missed out on. It probably would have been really different if they were still here.

"Wanna go in?" I ask them. "Yeah sure" Dave says and Jessie nods. We take our clothes off and I run through the warm California night into the cold pacific water.

I turn around at the boys and they jumped in. I did too and flipped my hair back. The boys looked at me really closely, and i just smiled 'you're right Dave she's hot as fuck now' Jessie whispered into daves ear. Dave pushed him into the water and I laughed but felt s little blush. Why do boys have to be so weird. I was interrupted yet again from my thoughts I was picked up by the waist and thrown into the water. "Ahh fuckk" I screamed. I got up and pushed both of them with my hands on their heads.

I decided to give up and they called truss. I agreed and we walked back to the footpath. I should have brought towels, I shrugged and asked them "hey guys do you want to come to my house for dinner, my mom would want to see you two!"

They looked each other and agreed. We walked back home. I yelled out "Ma, come here." She comes out and screams "ah my beautiful boys, hoe I missed you! You're both so handsome, Dave do you remember when you and inka used to sneak little kisse-" She said and hugged and kissed them. "Ok mom that's enough" I interrupt and tell here to leave. She is always so loud and embarrassing. They both just laughed and my mom went back to the kitchen.

"Where's Mr. Williams?" Dave asks as we sit down on the lounge. I look down and feel tears forming. Keep it in you'll look like a wous. "U-u-h he um he passed away from a long 4 year battle of cancer" I said looking down trying not to cry. "Oh ink" he says and they both hug me.

"Dinner!" Mom yells and I quickly stand and say I'm fine, when I'm really not. We walk over to the dinner table and my mom starts asking all these questions to them and all the embarrassing memories. She really needs to put a sock in it.

"Mom, I don't think he remembers our bath times when we were 4!" I Say and the boys laugh. I roll my eyes and shake my head. Dinner was finally over and they boys decided to leave.

"Oh boys before you leave tell you're mother we need to catch up ok?" They nod their heads. "Sorry about her" I say. "Hey it's fine and it you need anyone to talk to, I'm you're guy" Dave says and hugging me. "Me too you know" Jessie says and I laugh. "Ok by boys. I'll see you at school tomorrow Dave" I wave at them as they leave my walkway.

I walk up to my bed and do some homework and see the time. 9:56, time to finish AHS. I finished that crazy ass episode and watch an episode of new girl to not get nightmares. Winston is literally the funniest character ever.

When I'm done, I close my MacBook Air and go straight to sleep. Dave has only been here a day and I'm sort of catching feelings. I really don't think I can, I just gotta keep my mind on school and getting into a good university.

My mind definitely goes into some deep thoughts. I really need to be normal, even though that's not possible. I sigh at myself and a dream about being in a hotel with the new girl cast. Wonder why...

(Hope you like my new book and the long ass chapterrrr)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2015 ⏰

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