Chapter 2: My Human Life

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Author's Note: Sorry, for the long wait..I sort of got my childish side get to me and refused to update until someone commented but, I saw this was in one of my fans library and I realized duh! Some people don't have time to comment so I might as well update:)

Nodoka's POV:

When I was a human, my name was Anki Sukiryu and I live in Tokyo, Japan. I was 21 and life was great. I worked in a grocery store as a cashier and a small shop that sold antiques. Working two jobs was tough but, I didn't mind my life had been so happy then.

Especially, when I had met him.

"Anki-Chan, are you sure you're fine? I mean, if you're having trouble with money we can always send you a check in the mail or-" 

I stomped on the sidewalk. "I told you, Mom! I'm fine, I can live on my own!" I shouted into my cellphone. I snapped the phone shut.

"Stupid parents. Can't they let me live my life without any worries?" I mumbled to myself. "But, then again, I am low on money to buy food..."

I looked up to the setting sun in the distance. Maybe this is gonna be a bit harder than I thought..

Suddenly, someone bumped into me and we both fell on to the pavement. I got on my knees and rubbed where I'd bumped my head. I looked up to meet unusually bright turquiose eyes that were mere inches from mine. I blushed they were mesmerizing. 

It was a man maybe my age or a year older. He had shagy black hair to his neck and looked soft if you were to touch it. His skin was snow white and looked very smooth. He was wearing a black turtleneck, a black peacoat, a white scarf, and black skinny jeans paired with black dress shoes.

He was beautiful compared to my blonde hair and dark brown eyes.

He sighed and stood up brushing off his pants. "Sorry about that. Do you need help getting up?"He asked, reaching out his pale hand. I smiled gently and took it, I felt so warm in the winter air.

"Th-Thank you." I stuttered. He smirked, keeping my hand in his. Probably realizing how cold it was.

"Are you hungry? I was just going out for a bite, would you like to come with me? It's my treat for bumping into you." He asked, still smiling.

I pursed my lips, I was kind've hungry. I hadn't eaten in almost 7 hours.

"Umm, sure."

He walked me to a small ramen restaurant. Once we sat down at a table I asked him for his name.

"Oh, I'd totally forgotten to tell you. I'm Katen Tsubasa." He said, looking up from his menu.

"I'm Anki Sukiryu. I'm 21 you?"


After we had ordered, I continued to fire off questions. He laughed, answering every single one. 

Apparently, Katen worked as a photographer for a small nature magazine. He was the only photographer so he got a fair amount of money for it. He played the electric guitar from when he used to be in a band in high school. He grew up in a rich family however, he didn't get along with them so Katen moved out once he graduated high school.

My last question took me a lot of courage to ask.

"Are....Are you single? You don't have a girlfriend do you?" I asked, blushing deeply.

Katen laughed. "Of course not. If I did I wouldn't be out with you, would I?"

I blushed even deeper. "I-I guess so." The more I talked to Katen, the closer I felt to him. I felt I could trust him with my life if it came to that.

The way things turned out, however, made it impossible for him to do so.

Sorry for the short chapter. I felt that it would be better if I uploaded this sooner so you wouldn't have to wait.



I'll Upload if that happens.

~Kira <3

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