Chapter 1

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The years have past the girls have grown up into beautiful young girls. They had normal lives but that's all going to change......
Mari's P.O.V.
I wake up groaning noticing it was the last day of summer until school starts back. I jump out of bed and go to the bath room. I stare in the mirror looking into my blue eyes.  I always wondered why I had blue eyes it's strange that a African American girl could have blue eyes. I started to get ready for the day. I  started the sink to wash my face. I reached for it to check the temperature then the water went Straight up in the air.
"What the heck that weird." I sai to myself.
I am probably still waking up. I finished washing my face I reached for the sink but is time the water started going around me and turned into bubbles.
"Ok that was super weird." I said to myself again.
I shook it off and finished getting ready. I put on light blue shorts, tied a black jacket around me, and a dark blue tank top. I decided to not wear make up cuz I like to be all natural. I grabbed my skateboard that has a ocean pattern on it and tried to walk out the door.
"Not so fast young lady." My mom said.
"What do u want I'm in a rush to meet with my guy friends to play basket ball." I said.
"I think it's time for you to make so girl friends instead of guy friends." She said.
"But...." I said.
"No buts there are 4 girls that live right next to us." She said.
"Ok fine..." I said.
I went out the door and skated to the first door I saw.
Molly's P.O.V.
I wake up upset that it's the last day of summer. I get up and walk to the bathroom. I got in the bathroom and it felt really hot all the sudden. I walked to the thermometer and saw it turned to 80 degrees higher.
"Wait wasn't it just 63 I minute ago." I said as I go change it back to 63.
I started to brush my hair. It shines like the shining sun I love my hair very much. It got hot again but while it was hot I started floating like 2 inches in the air then I started going higher and higher until I hit my head on the ceiling.
"Ok that was super weird and OW!" I said.
I finished to get ready. I decided to wear: Black Jeans, Pierce the Veil shirt, black converse, a purple beanie, and foundation, concealer, powder, eye liner, mascara, and the eye shadow a mix of grays and black to make a smokey eye. I got up and went to  eat breakfast with my parent and annoying little brother. He was throwing little pieces of his muffin at me and I was getting annoyed.
"Stop throwing your food at me." He said mocking me.
"OH YOU WANT TO GO!" I said.
I got really mad and the room got hot again.
"Man there is something wrong with thermometer today." My dad said.
"Yeah." I said.
I heard someone knock on the door.
"I'll get it." I said while getting up and walking toward the door.
I open the door to see a African American girl with.....BLUE EYES!
"Hi my name is Mari." The girl said.
"H...hi  my name is Molly." I said.
"I live at the house next to you." She said.
"Really then come on let's go to my room and talk." I said.
She walks in and follows me to my room.
"Woah your room is like a fashion studio." She said.
"Yep I love fashion." I said.
"And you have..." I said being cut off.
"Blue eyes I get that a lot." She said laughing.
"And I love you hair it's so shiny." She said.
"Thx so why did u come over." I said.
"My mom wants me to make girl friends then just guy friends." She said.
"Well I'm glad u came over I just made a new friend.
"Want to come with me to the next house?" She asked.
"Sure lets go." I said.
We went out the door and went to the next house.
Amisha's P.O.V.
I wake up noticing that I still have to finish one more page of math. I hope out of bed and grab the summer homework and got to work.
"URGH this is impossible." I said frustrated.
Then all the sudden numbers surrounding me  and the maths equation showed up and worked out its self and showed me the answer.
"What the heck that was weird but helpful." I said while putting the answer on the page. I got out of bed and and went to the bathroom and put on: a death note shirt,ripped jeans, black converse, and my glasses. I definitely don't wear makeup.
"Wish I Could see if my parents where up or not and I don't have to walk out of my room." I said to myself.
All the sudden a hologram of the house showed up infront of me and showed two dots ,so I bet that's my parents so they are up. It went away and i went down stairs to eat breakfast. When I was half way down the stairs I hear a knock on the door. I run down the stairs and went to open the door. When I opened it I saw a African American with blue eyes, and a white gel with shiny blonde hair.
"Um hi." I said.
"Hi I'm Mari." Said the girl with blue eyes.
"And I'm Molly." Said the girl with shiny hair.
"nice to meet you and you have...." Blue eyes I know.
"Why did you come to this house?" I asked.
"Just making some new friends." Molly said.
"Do want to come to the next house with us we have two more to go." Mari said.
"Sure lets go." I said.
We head toward the door.
Emma's P.O.V
I wake up and jump out of bed and get ready and get in my gardening outfit an ran out the door to et started on my gardening. I love to garden so much. I got to work right away. I touched a flowers petal and it started talking in a squeaky voice.
"I can talk I can't talk." It said.
"What the heck is going on." I said.
" I love talking so much do you I do....." It said while slowly turning back into a regular a flower.
"Am I not completely awake yet that was weird." I said while rubbing my eyes.
I decided to not garden for the day and go inside.the moment I got inside I heard a knock on the door. I open it and see three girls outside my door.
"Hi I'm Mari." The girl with blue eyes said.
"Woah you have....." I said being cutoff.
"Blue eyes." They all said at the same time.
I giggle a little and waited for them to finish introducing themselves.
"I'm Molly." The shiny hair girl said.
"And I'm Amisha." The girl with glasses said.
"Nice to meet you I'm Emma." I said.
"We have one more house to go to." Mari said.
"Ok let's go." I said closing the door behind me and going to the next house.
Stephanie's P.O.V
I wake up sliding off my bed sad it's the last day of summer until school comes back. I get up and got changed in: a music note tank top, ripped jeans, and pink converse. I walk to my music room and started playing one instrument at a time. 10 minutes later all the instruments started playing on the own. 5 minutes later all the instruments fell on the floor and stops playing.
"Is it just me or did they just move." I said to myself.
I decided to sing. I started singing and I saw sound waves come out of my mouth I closed them in 2 seconds literally.
"Singing is out of the question." I said to myself.
I decided to just eat breakfast to get all this stuff out of my head. I was in the middle of eating then heard a knock on my door. I got up and answered it. There where 4 girls out there.
"Hi my name is Mari." The girl with blue eyes said.
"But..." I said getting cut off.
"Before you finish that sentence I low I have blue eyes.
"Anyway I'm Molly." The girl with shiny hair said.
"I'm Amisha." Said a girl with glasses.
"And I'm Emma and you are." The girl with flowers in her hair said.
"I'm Stephanie." I said.
"Want to sit on the bench and talk." Mari said.
"Sure." we all said.
We all go to the bench and start talking. In the middle of our conversation someone starts talking something else.
"We should all be friends forever." Molly said.
"Yeah." Emma said.
"Hands in if your in." Amisha said.
"I'm in!" We all yell.
We all laugh until we hear growling and trees shaking like crazing.
"Let's go check it out." I said.
"Yeah let's go." Mari said.
"Ok Molly said.
We all run into the woods and see this huge person or maybe it's not a person.
"WHAT IS THAT!" Amisha said.
What is it that thy figure out figure out next time and the other three girls will come next chapter.
Keep believing in magic

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