twenty three.

Começar do início

"What happened?"

Michael sighs. "She screwed him over. Big time. We all knew she was a horrible person but we didn't think she could be that bad."

"What did she do?"

Michael looks a little sad. "Ashton's an asshole because of what he's been through. You can't be too hard on him. He's had a lot of people treat him like shit."

"So he thinks it's fair to do the same to others?" I cry, but I'm feeling a little sad myself. What could this Marie chick have possibly done that broke Ashton so bad?

"He has a twisted idea of what love is, but it's not his fault. I mean, Marie fucked him up pretty bad. They dated two years ago and he's still not over it."

"Does she go to our school?" I was pretty keen to meet this Mysterious Marie.

Michael laughs. "God no. You think Ashton would still be attending?"

"Does she live here?"

Michael just shakes his head.

"Well, where is she from?"

"Why do you wanna know so bad?"

"I don't know, because she's this mysterious chick that apparently broke Ashton's heart and her name is completely off talking limits so I just wanna know who the hell she is."

"She lives in the city," he tells me.

"Did he love her?"

"Yeah. He really did."

"Does he still?"

Michael looks at me and under the moonlight I can really catch a glimpse of who he actually is. He's kind, and he's sweet, and he cares a whole lot about his friends. Especially Ashton. And I find that really nice, because it's a nice feeling to have someone care about you so much. These boys are all extremely lucky to have each other. And for the first time I really wish I had friends like them.

"The thing about people like Marie is that they never really leave. But I see the way Ashton looks at you, and the way he acts around you, and it's really nice. Because I haven't seen him this .... happy since her. He deserves to be happy. I think you could make him happy."

"Wow, Michael," I breathe. "That was strangely nice of you."

He laughs. "I'm very drunk, Stanford. Don't expect me to say this often, and if you ever repeat it I'll cut up your bones in your sleep. But, you're alright. I kind of like you. And I kind of like the idea of you and Ashton together. I think you'll be good for him, and he needs someone good. So just give him some time. I can see he's starting to let you in. It might take a while, but just be patient with him. I can guarantee he'll be worth your time. He's .... he's broken. He needs someone to fix him. And, you know, I'm really glad you're back. I hope you stay for a while."

I'm smiling a real, proper smile for the first time in a while and I can feel my heart expanding in my chest. I don't know what to say. Did Michael really just say that? To me? The idea of having a friend like Michael in my life makes me feel really happy. "Michael, I-"

I turn to him and find him passed out beside me on the roof, soft snores escaping his lips as he sleeps awkwardly on his arm. I laugh and shake my head. I have no idea how I'm going to get him down from here, so I decide to just leave him. "Thanks, Michael," I say softly, leaning forward to kiss his cheek. "I kind of like you, too."


After I leave Michael peacefully sleeping on the roof I go back inside. Apparently mine and Ashton's talk didn't knock him down like it did to me because he's in the house busy partying away, playing rap music loudly and drinking like there's no tomorrow.

Begin Again - A.I Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora