Chapter 2.1

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The room was full of all equipment to supply astronauts and so they can stay on shape. There were running machines to practice speed. There was also weighs for biceps and triceps and stay on shape for a week, before heading to our location.
"Here is the Equipment Room" Green said.
"Is ok, I guess" I said

"OK!?" Green yelled out

"We haven't had one since the Martian discovery back in 2020" Green stated.

"Yeah, guess your right" I said.

"Over there is the Coffee Room, you'll meet four people, those are going to be your crewmates, so meet them and be nice" Green said

"Ok, I promise" I said.

"Well lets see how they act toward me" I thought

I went walking toward the Coffee Room as I opened the door, I saw a table in the middle and five seats, which was left for me, I guess.

Inside there were two girls, the boss seem to have a brown hair, while her friend had blonde hair and the other guy had black hair.

"Hello there" A guy said

"So your the new guy" A female voice said

"Yes Commander Watson" said another female voice

"I'm Dalton Jones, student of the Georgia University. I was studying Astrophysics in there but guess what I'm here" I said

"This guy thinks he is the smarty pants" said that Commander Watson.

"Don't listen to Caroline Watson, I'm Camilla Hernandez" she said

"I'm Foxy Johnson. I'm a nice guy just doing my best here" The guy said

"Well for starters we can't trust this guy we just met" Caroline said

"Yes we can, Green brought him to us for a reason" Foxy said

"Caroline, we should listen what he has to say" Camilla said

"Yeah, I agreed with Camilla in this one" Foxy said

"FINE!" Caroline yelled

"Ok, I'm a nice guy, I don't intend on fighting anyone today has been a bad day" I said sarcastically

"Really?" Camilla asked

"Of course not, don't you see he is actually lying" Caroline said

"Is call sarcasticallism" I said

"Is that even a word" Caroline said

"Forget it" I said "What's next"

"Let's go work" Caroline said

We then left for the Equipment Room and began to train up.

"Hey, just let her cool down" Foxy told me

"I will, I promise" I said.

"Hey I want to show you something" Foxy said

"What?" I asked

"Come with me" Foxy said

We both left the girls and the pilot doing sit ups and we went into another room that seem a little dark.

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