2. Two Weeks Ago Pt. 1

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Every month since Annie's birth we took a weekend off. That was our Lancaster weekend. Emily wanted Annie to know us. We did our best to be a part of her life.

"What car should we take?" Benz asked seriously. He was packing his backpack. Mine was already done. He was calmer in those kind of situations, I always had to have everything ready ahead of time.

"I think the Jeep would be best. The castle does not fit in the back of the Bentley," I remarked. He nodded, agreeing.

"Right, we have the castle to transport," he thought out loud.

Benz and I had bought a toy castle for Annie. It looked similar to the Disney castle. She had all these little statuettes that could find a home in the castle.

We put all our stuff in the Jeep, the castle was in the back seat, Benz connected his phone through bluetooth to the system, I sat on the front passenger seat and we begun our road trip. It was a rainy day.

The one thing I loved about driving to Lancaster every month was the music we listened to. Benz let me scroll through his Itunes music. He had a lot of music on his phone. Preferably, he wanted to hear hip hop, rap and R & B.

Whenever possible Benz listened to druggie depressing music; that was what I called the likes of the Weeknd or Drake. He was certainly not doing drugs, drinking a lot of alcohol, or single, but he liked the vibe, I guessed.

I could listen to anything as long as it had a personal touch. I liked the connection you could get to a singer when they told you their story.

Benz and I sung along to the songs. The amount of road trips we had behind us, had us knowing every single lyrics to the songs. We were acting like younger versions of ourselves, back when we used to be careless.

A few hours later, we arrived in Lancaster. We parked the packed Jeep right in front of the house.

They noticed us from the sound of the car, so when we got out of the car, Emily and Annie were walking towards us.

"Look, who is here, Annie! Aunt La and Benz came all the way from London to see you," Emily said enthusiastically. Annie ran up to me first, gave me a hug and then she found Benz who was occupied with our backpacks.

"Hello, little lady," I heard Benz greet her. "Layla?"

"We have a little surprise for Annie," I whispered to Emily. She sighed.

"Again? You are like Santa Claus to her. You spoil her. I think she prays to you when she wants something," Emily laughed.

Benz held Annie by the hand and came to the side of the car. I opened the back seat door and Annie squeaked when she saw the castle.

Emily looked at me like 'Seriously?' and then she said, "What do we say to aunt La and Benz now?"

"Thank you, aunt La and Benz!" She gave Benz and then me another hug.

We carried all the things inside. Emily prepared something quick for us to eat while we played with Annie.

After we ate, it was time for Annie to go to sleep.

While Emily was upstairs tucking Annie in, Benz asked me, "Where are your parents?"

"Didn't I tell you that they are in Berlin for the weekend?" I replied.

"No, you did not," he revealed.

"I am sorry, I must have forgotten."

"Does that mean we get your parents' bed for the night?" he asked mischieviously. I chuckled.

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