Chapter 7: Gone, but not Forgotten

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"Yes, but," I tried to gain control of the group again,

"Before we do that, Risk had one final thing he told me to do in his absence..." I pulled the letter my former leader had given me from my pack and hastily opened the seal.

"This... This is his last words to the Guild, and his farewell to Team Crusaders."

I took a deep breath and began to read, my paws shaking with each word,


'To the Crusaders,

I know that what has happened is a shock to all of you, but I know, deep in my heart, that you will understand. If you are reading this, I have willingly given my life for my comrades, and I'm not regretting my choice. I know the pain of losing me is incredible, I really do, and if I was still here, I would come to comfort you all. But all of that had to change one day- everyone has their time, right? This day was just my time, and I knew I would be gone eventually. That's why I tried, each and every every day, to be the best leader that I could possibly be. I wanted to be the hope- the life- that you all have given to me. Even when I first met you, Riku, you never doubted me, and I appreciate that. You stuck by me, thick and thin, and it brings me abundant joy that I was able to share my last moments of life with you. Alpha and Beta, you two were the best duo that I could have imagined- together, you can do amazing things! Your courage was reflected in your team name- don't let my death be an opportunity that you falter! Be strong for me! Now, Photon, you truly were the light in my life that Sophia wanted you to be. I truly believe that she would be proud of you, if she was still here. Just like her last wishes, I want you to keep showing that light to everyone you meet and inspire them like you did me! And Cedric, though I only know you for a little while, I was able to appreciate you as a Leafeon- you even saved me from an earlier death from that Hydreigon! Fight for the team in my absence, like you fought to save me!

More than just those that are still with us, I want everyone to take a moment to remember those that died protecting the peace and liberty that all the rescue teams want. Paul... Blade... Tania... Sophia... Everyone that died willingly paid that price, and, with that small bit of suffering, brought a great deal of good into the world! I have taken that same path, and I firmly believe that my sacrifice will help this world. That's why I decided to join Team Crusaders in the first place. Now, finally, I have one last thing to ask of my former team.'" I bit my lips to try to stop the tears as I read the next few lines,


'Riku, I want you to take over as the leader of Team Crusaders. I know that you will make an impeccable leader, and, to you, I give my scarf and my pendant. Keep them close to you, and you will always have a part of me with you. Even if I'm dead, I can still go on adventures with you, little buddy! Now, the time for grieving has not yet come. My last wish is that my death will fuel the overturning of the Necromancer, as well as any other vile Pokemon that threaten the peace of this world. I believe in you, Crusaders. And remember: A true explorer never gives up! That's why I always fight so hard for what I know is right!

Goodbye, Crusaders. I will dearly miss you, and all of the fun adventures that I had with you,

Risk the Riolu'


"No... No, Risk! Why?!" Beta shut her eyes and began to cry profusely. Alpha tried to approach her and console her, but her horn-jaw snapped at him when he drew close. The female Mawile ran out of the Guild, crying,
"He... He was the only other Pokemon that I cared about... I... I..."

"Beta, wait!" Alpha called, but it was too late. She had already gone out of earshot.

"Give her some time?" Cedric suggested, when Alpha returned without Beta.

"I guess... But, I just hope that she will return. It's not like her to run off like this..." Alpha seemed distraught, but he barely showed it.

"Come on, EVERYBODY! Let's do this! For RISK!" Loudred roared.

"Hey, hey, hey! I agree! For Risk!" Corphish called out, and the entire Guild stormed up the ladder with materials in their hands. I can only assume that they would build him some sort of shrine, or a gravestone, or something. It didn't really matter to me, however. I had just lost my best friend, and there was nothing that I could do about it.

Slowly, I walked to the Crusaders' quarters and untied the scarf and pendant. I laid them on the bed of straw that used to belong to Risk.

Risk!... I'll never forget you! I swear it! I thought, my tears staining the red fabric, the blue gemstone, and the straw around it.

Soon, Photon and Cedric appeared in the doorway,

"Riku! Beta, she..." they simultaneously stuttered. Alpha walked into the room a few seconds later, a huge chunk of skin missing from the right side of his face. I gasped at the wound- it was already bandaged, but the trickle of blood and the fact that the bandage was already inundated did nothing to alleviate the severity of the injury. It didn't help that the fabric was red to the point of looking like Risk's scarf- just making me miss him more and more. Nevertheless, I pulled a leaf from my pack and took a deep breath. I removed the bandage from Alpha's face and almost passed out from the amount of blood and guts falling from the side of his head. Luckily, the attack was not close enough to any of his vitals, and his eyes were just barely missed. However, the rest looked like it had been bitten off by a Sharpedo.

This is gravely serious! Can I actually heal a wound of this magnitude?! Well, I've got to at least try! I thought, bringing my paw down on Alpha's exposed face. As soon as I made contact, the pain that I felt was unreal. I honestly thought I was the one who was getting part of his face ripped off.

Gritting my teeth, I stood my ground, as the pain continued to course through me, and I had to shut my eyes in agony. Blood continued to fall from the wound, and I feared that he would die from blood loss before I made any progress.

I've got to think positively! I can do this! That's what Risk would tell me! Spurred on by his courage, I placed my paw deeper into the center of the leaf, concentrating all of my energy on closing the wound.

Ngh! I'm not giving up! I thought, firmly planting my paw on the wound for another five minutes.

Finally, I felt the clot form, and I slowly backed away from Alpha, breathing heavily.

"Hah... I... Don't have the strength to... Finish the job... But it's shut... Hah... Urgh..." My body had finally run out of strength to stand, and I collapsed, luckily, on my own bed, quickly falling asleep from exhaustion.


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