me and my dad conversion

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Dad: Nena why do you always look pissed at the world?

Me: Well I don't know.

Dad: Nena don't lie to me tell me now for I an your father.

Me: Well its not my fault that you left to take out the trash and never came back. Its not my fault every time my mom bad mouth you I tuck up for you. Its not my fault you left me at two years old because you wanted to be free. Its not my fault you.......

Dad: Baby girl I only did that because......because you needed to be with your mother and have her love not mine. Baby girl I loved you so I left. Do you understand.

Me: No fuck you. You are nothing to me anymore. I was fucking two years old I didn't even take out the trash because I was scared to never come home again like you. Until one day someone told me you were never coming back so do you know what I did I gave up on looking for you I gave up on everything until you text me on Facebook asking me how I was. I didn't even know you were still alive because to me you were dead you still are. I looked up to you now I look down upon you ,you are nothing to me anymore nothing.

Dad: Nena don't talk like that to your father I did my best is that not good enough anymore Nena is it.?

Me: No dad it is not now bye I have to go and tell mom to take out the trash so she can leave as well! You wanted the fucking truth well you got the fucking truth!

Dad: Nena!!

Me: Sir?

Dad: You feel that way to me really!?

Me: Yes...yes I do that is why I am pissed all the time. I'm trying to chase my father that left me when I was two years fucking old and now you stand in front of me sixteen years later to ask me why am I always pissed well its you and my mothers fault.!! Happy.!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2015 ⏰

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