There are times where I feel like the world is plotting against me just waiting for me to fall face flat on the cold hard ground. I mean, getting dumped just before the first semester by the one guy you thought was your forever.

Okay, maybe not forever but seriously I thought we had something going. Apparently I was terribly wrong.

I lowered my head in the hopes of hiding away from the very guy that dumped me via text who had just walked in with some blonde chick.

Amy takes a bite out of her sandwich. "God, I don't know what you saw in him in the first place. He is all sorts of ugly. I mean, his hair looks like-"

I sigh, "I think we get it now Amy." There's always that one friend that can't whisper.

I briefed her on what had happened leaving out the part where I woke up in strangers bed. I threw a fry at her which she returned.

She sips on her juice box then starts choking randomly. "He's heading over here Alex."

I cringe. The boys look at me and I just want to fall ten feet deep and to never return.

I hear footsteps stop behind me but it doesn't make me turn around because I don't think I can face him. Fingers are on my shoulder and I turn slowly.

Its been a week since we actually saw each other and two days since the text. 

He still looks the same not that I expected him to look any different. We met at a farewell party that I was invited to. My intention was to drink only I found a guy who somehow made me laugh. We went on dates and he was the perfect gentlemen. Not so much now.

He clears his throat, "Hi Alex, can I talk to you?"

I gesture to do so where he is standing but he takes one look at my table and shakes his head. "Um, can we talk in private?"

My minds telling me not to go but let's face it I don't listen well to instructions so I got up off the seats. "I'll be back."

We headed out into the hallway which had only a few people. All those that were still standing there were either lingering or grabbing things from their locker. 

"So, I just want to give you a proper explanation on why I dumped you."

I nod and he continues, "I met someone and she gave me an ultimatum-"

Was he just using me? This whole time? Fuck closure.

"So this was some kind of game to you wasn't it?" I don't let him talk because I'm already on a roll so I might as well roll with it.

"I honestly don't know what I saw in you anyways. I'm glad you dumped me it sure saved me from having to do it," he opens his mouth but I'm not done, "No! It's completely fine I think I've heard enough so have a good life I sure hope she's worth it."

I turn and walk away still feeling the effects of a breakup even when I promised myself I wouldn't let it get to me. I glance back and he's still standing there.

I head back into the cafeteria and find my seat again not knowing what exactly to say. Its a weight off my shoulders but it also questions why people enjoy hurting me.

All three were conversing loudly until I sat down. I glanced up and see all three staring at me.

I drink the rest of my drink. "I'm going to head off early. I'll text you later Amy." I ignore her sympathetic stare until she nods and gives me an 'okay'.

I grab my bag and head out of the cafeteria faster than I knew possible. I place my earphones into my ears hoping to drown out this god forsaken world. The only thing I can really rely on is music.

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