Chapter 8

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Dylan and I were laying down watching Mean Girls, when he said "Are you sure you don't want to make out, this is kind of boring" Dylan whined. I was enjoying Mean Girls too much for him, I guess.

I could have fun with this, I mean he did ask me too. I got up from laying down and straddled Dylan. His face was priceless. It was a mixture or confusion and shock. "Cindy, what are you doing?" He said.

"Oh... Nothing" I said casually

I leaned in and he did too. Still straddling him, I gave him a peck on the lips. He tried to go for more but I quickly got off him and went back to watching the movie.

"What the hell was that?" He said, I knew he was underwhelmed. I giggled in response. I learned an important lesson that day, teasing Dylan was fun.
An hour later, I hadn't realized how close Dylan and I were laying beside each other. I shifted, Dylan saw my bad neck position on my pillow and said "You can lean on me if you want? I don't bite"

I put my head on his chest and was immediately happy. If you told me a week ago that I would be almost cuddling with Dylan, I would have laughed. After Mean Girls, Dylan and I decided to play cards. There was some tension in the room. I mean I pecked him on the lips and we basically cuddled. We had light and easy conversations. I enjoyed hanging out with him.

"Let's make a bet, the winner of this next round has to do whatever the other person wants. It can't be inhuman. Deal?" Dylan asked me as we were playing our card game.

"Deal" I said, as I shook his hand. I knew exactly what I was going to ask for. I had no clue what Dylan was going to make me do, but it might me a make out session. I didn't really mind. The kiss we had at the party was amazing and I think Dylan knew it.

Of course, I won. Dylan had no clue how good I was at poker. I think I want to be bold with this win. I could ask Dylan to eat a gross concoction of food or to kiss me. Maybe I will ask him for a smooch.

"Okay Cindy, I'm ready for whatever you have planned for me" Dylan said

"I want you to kiss me"I said. Watching Dylan's eyes go wide.

"Cindy I know your just joking with me" he said with his arms crossed.

I went up to him and leaned in. We started kissing and I felt sparks. It got a little more heated, as I felt myself laying down on the bed. I guess we went from friends to make out buddies? Just as things started to get even more heated my mom walked in.

"Oh sorry!" She said, covering her eyes. I could tell from her face she wasn't really that sorry. "Dylan do you like pepperoni pizza?"

"U-uh yes ma'am" Dylan stuttered. I could tell he was flustered. His face was slightly tinted red and he always kept his cool.

My mom gave me the look of 'you better tell me everything after'. "Okay, have fun but I don't want any grandkids yet" I started to cough to cover up the embarrassment.

As soon as she left. Dylan and I looked at each other and did what most teenagers would do. Continued to make out. After ten minutes, I put my hand on Dylan's chest to tell him to stop. For a good minute we just looked around the room not even thinking about having a conversation. Dylan finally started to talk. "So, um what do you want to do now."

I don't know why but I just started laughing, like panic attack laughing. Dylan started laughing too and before I knew it Dylan and I were on my bed hunched over laughing. This whole situation really was kind of funny. Two former enemy's are now kissing buddies.

"I am sorry, do you want to watch another movie?" I said.

"No I'm good, how about we just talk"

"Yeah I would like that"

So we talked and talked about school, our friends, how Mrs. Middleton hates Dylan and much more. I did not realize how late it was until my mom called us down for dinner.  This is going to be awkward I thought. Please let his be a good dinner.

Dylan sat beside me and my mom was on the other side of the table.

"So, Dylan tell me about yourself" my mom asked as we were taking our pizza slices.

"I play lacrosse, study and just hang out with friends most of the time." Dylan said politely.

"Is my daughter one of those friends?" My mother asked.

"Yes ma'am." When he said this i could feel my face getting hot.

"So your not dating my daughter then?" As soon as my mom said this I almost spit out my drink. I started coughing and Dylan patted me on the back to see if I was okay. "I will take that as a no."

After that uncomfortable conversation, we talked about regular topics like school, friends and even politics. After we were done eating me and Dylan went back to my room.

"Do you want to go for ice cream"Dylan asked.

"Yes, but first lets do this" I said then kissed him. The kiss started to get heated and Dylan started kissing my neck leaving hickeys, no doubt.

"Cindy, what gotten in to you?"

"You" I said kissing his neck. After getting out of your trance, you and Dylan went for ice cream.

"Cindy, what are we?" Dylan asked me while we were driving to Dairy Queen.


"Yeah, friends, who make out sometimes"

"I like hanging out with you Dylan and sometimes it's nice to have someone to kiss"

"I totally agree with you"

We arrived to Dairy Queen and I got my favourite blizzard, cotton candy. Dylan  got a Oreo blizzard. After we ordered I went to get my wallet but Dylan stopped me. "I got it. You bought dinner"

"Thanks Dylan" I said, as we waited for our ice cream.

When we got to my house, Dylan and I decided to watch another movie but this time it was Dylan's choice. "lets watch a scary movie" Dylan said excitedly.

"How about not" I said in the same tone as him.

"If I had to sit through mean girls, you can sit through an hour of Texas Chainsaw"


Dylan was putting on Texas Chainsaw on Netflix calmly, while I was freaking  out. I hate horror movies. Dylan could see how scared I was and put his arm around me.

After an hour and a half of that garbage it was my turn to pick. I was tired and not in the mood to pay attention so I put on a rom-com. Dylan and I made out a few more times and then I fell asleep.

When I woke up the next morning, Dylan's legs were wrapped around mine and we were spooning. "Dyl, wake up" I whispered in his ear.

"What, yeah I'm up" he said startled.

He left like ten minutes after that to go home, his parents were probably pissed that he didn't tell them where he stayed the night.

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