Chapter 1

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Cindy's POV

Dylan O'Brien

The hottest guy in school who could get a girl by the snap of his fingers. Almost every girl had a crush on him, except for me. I despised Dylan. He was a cocky, arrogant jerk who thinks he owns the school.

I'm Cindy. I like every girl at my school have a itty bitty crush on Dylan, even though I would never admit it. It's more for his looks then his attitude.

I party more then most people and have a group of wild ass friends(not really we just think we are). Actually were a pretty good group of girls. Almost like the school "sweethearts".
"Cindy you have to wear this dress tonight, you will look amazing!" My best friend Lindsay said excitedly to me. Lindsey loved to do my makeup and hair.

She secretly wanted to go into cosmetology, but her parents would kill her. They are very traditional. Lindsey's parents are the type that want her to become ether a doctor or a lawyer. Her mom and dad were very strict with her. They would flip their shit if they knew that we even thought of drinking alcohol. Lindsey tells her parents she's going to our annual girls night at someone's house to watch movies and eat frozen pizza. I don't even know where she goes when we don't go out.

"Lindsay you know I only go to party's to dance and spend time with you guys, not to mention the free booze" I said knowing that I've said this response to her more than 100 times.

"Well maybe tonight you can just live a little come on Cindy"

"Fine, I guess I will wear the stupid dress"

The dress Lindsey picked for me was a black off the shoulder dress that was way to short for my liking but whatever Lindsey wants, Linsey gets. My lipstick was a hot pink and my brown curly hair was left natural.

Lindsey was a bombshell. Unlike me she was tall around 5'8. She had long thick almost burgundy hair. She was wearing a light blue skater skirt and a lace black crop top. I knew she would have guys and girls all over her tonight.


I had no idea who's house we were even in. The house was not a huge mansion but it certainly wasn't a shack. I have no recollection of being in this house before so it must be someone I don't know. Lindsey knocked and you'll never guess who answered the door.

"Oh... hi Dylan" I said feeling sick to my stomach.

"Hey ladies! Enjoy my party" he said before winking and going somewhere else. He was wearing chinos and a cute shirt. I hate him.

Smooth I thought before turning only to see my best friend talking with some guy on the dance floor. "Wow she works fast" I said to myself and went to look for the drinks. I poured myself a Long Island iced tea even though I wouldn't have minded to be at home listening to my records and drinking wine.

After my fourth drink I was really starting to feel the alcohol. I was already in my enemy's house enjoying myself and had lost Linsey. Honestly I had nothing better to do.

I went upstairs to see a bunch of kids in a circle. Great I thought lets play truth or dare with a bunch of people I don't trust.

There was about 15 kids who were sitting in the circle, Dylan included. For some reason I sat down next to him. I listened to about five truths before it was Dylan's turn to ask a question. Most of the questions before Dylan's I didn't really pay attention to, they were the regular questions like who do you like or would you rather. The only reason it was so fun was because we were all drunk out of our faces. Dylan seemed more sober then the rest of us. I wasn't expecting to be asked such a serious question when I having such a fun time.

Dylan looked straight into my eyes with his beautiful orbs and said "Cindy why do you hate me?" I knew I gave him a face of despair. I had talked to this kid once and it was just "hi" or "do you know what is the homework?"

"W-what" I stuttered. I don't think I've ever been this panicked in my life. I was a nobody, how would the ever so famous Dylan O'Brien know I hated him? I mean it wasn't like I publicly displayed it. I just kind of didn't talk to him as often as Lindsey or the other girls did.

I don't think I have ever said something as stupid as I said when I answered his question. "Well Dylan I don't know where you got the notion that I hated you but maybe I do because your really hot. Like holy shit man I need to thank your parents." I stopped realizing that I was making a fool of myself. I decided to say one last statement. "You know what O'Brien you really are an arrogant jerk" I said probably a little to confidently. If I was asked this question sober I would have ran and hid from Dylan forever.

Dylan couldn't hide the amusement from his face. "You Cindy Lacklo think I'm hot like jaw dropping six pack hot?"

I was so flustered right now and just said the first thing that popped into my mind "Yes sir"

The people around you were trying not to laugh. Some were pretending to cough while some just snickered to their friend.

Dylan's smirk was still evident when he whispered in your ear
"Really I think your hot too sweet cheeks"

He chuckled in my ear when I shuddered from his closeness and walked away. I texted Lindsey that I was going home and started the ten minute walk.

While walking home I was re imagining the events of tonight and couldn't help but feel like crying. My worst enemy, the arrogant Dylan O'Brien knew you had the hots for him and so did everyone else.

Monday was going to be fun.

My Hot Enemyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن