Chapter Three: Aggressively Sensitive**'

Start from the beginning

I was only faithful for the first three years and fell off track since, but I am crazy about that woman. I really am. I'd still go around the moon and back for her and I will try. I've heard shit about her being married to that old cunt, and that she's back on her feet, dancing, singing, performing. Without me. I Hurting Beyonce' was the worst thing I have ever done and I will never get over it. We could've been a lot and so much more, but I threw all of that away and I guess life hit me in the face because the same shit I did to B happened to me too. I was cheated on, and I never knew why Beyonce' was so upset, and crying over me all of the time, but now it all made sense. She loved me, and I loved Yolanda. She loved another man and now I love her. 


I laid back against my bed, hearing Ari's sweet voice going over her little baby shit. I don't really care right now, I was trying to focus on ways to get Beyonce' back and since I've gotten her attention by wrecking that beautiful BMW, I think I can settle in. 

Hopefully she doesn't bitch like I know she would.



Shit! I groaned as I tripped over Adrianna's toys. I'm really getting tired of this, Hailey is 18 years old, she should know how to clean up after her little girl by now. You birthed it, you look after it. Hey, I like the sound of that. 

"Hailey!" I yelled with frustration. She hurried down from wherever the hell she was, coming right in front of me, tripping over a few toys herself. I couldn't help myself but to laugh because she knows damn good and well she ain't shit for doing that. "Clean up after Adrianna, please. I'm tired of doing that." I complained a bit slightly and with a nod she was on her way of doing what I asked. 

I love being in charge along with Carter, because even though they aren't my kids, they sho' do listen. 

I walked into Carter and I's room, closing the door. My head was in a critical state of mind and I was not feeling well at all. This entire car mystery was driving me up the wall. I swear I was going to go insane. Nothing about this made sense. Drama finally died down and hops back up with me and Carter, ain't that something?

I undressed myself, staying naked, honestly hoping Carter walks in on me and decided to help me feel better. 

If you know what I mean. When I was done putting my clothes in the hamper, I closed and locked my door, not wanting my plan to go down the drain by one of the kids. I laid down on the bed, booty up and waited for Carter.



"You're kidding, Yeez." I sat beside him, disagreeing. He shook his head. "Nah, dawg. Wasn't yesterday that nigga's last day? Shit could be him, you don't think?" Kanye' was trying to get me to understand, and I did, but won't that cunt be over and done with tryna get us back? "I don't think it's him though. Nigga probably got fucked with some sense in his ass up in jail. He's done past that Beyonce' phase." I told him, but he shook his head, whilst rolling his joint. "No one gets over your wife, Jay. Sad to say, but it's the truth."  

I kicked my feet back and began to think about what he just said, I mean damn Jayson fenna plot of hitting my baby's car for two years? Nah, shit was probably some crazy ass fan tryna get her attention. I highly doubt that shit. "Pipe it up, fam. Jayson is a damn idiot, but he ain't that dumb to try sumn like that. I'll kill that nigga with one bullet if he pull up on B." 

"Yo, I understand that, but Beyonce' don't really bring her damn body guard with her cause she think she can handle herself. You needa tell your lady to chill with all that, because ain't nobody scared of her lotioned ass skin."

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