Neil Castaldi - Trends in Hospitality : Mobile Social Media

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Social media is something that has had a dramatic impact on society as a whole. There is no denying that this technological triumph has begun to shape a new world. This has become even more prevalent as mobile devices such as cell phones, laptops, and IPads come on the scene. The going trend in social media is that it is becoming more mobile, according to Robert Rauch, President of RAR Hospitality

The mobility of social media has created a new phenomenon that allows each update to be current, creating a kind of live feed of people's lives that is likely the future of social media. As the article written by Robert Rauch states, "Smartphones represent 50 percent of new mobile devices being purchased and the growth of connected devices will only continue to rise. Ericsson estimates that there will be over 50 billion connected devices in circulation by 2020, including laptops, tablets and smartphones."

So what does this mean for the hospitality industry? It means that each customer will be able to share their experience of a hotel or restaurant almost instantly. This puts a lot of pressure on the industry to not make mistakes, as they are likely to be spread only minutes after the incident occurs. This also can be a great opportunity for advertising and marketing for good businesses that make few mistakes. The future of hospitality marketing will likely involve an abundance of social media.

The Nottoway Plantation of Neil Castaldi is a historical resort looking to the future of the industry.

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