Chapter 17 - night

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LOUIS:"You are so childish, I can't believe that I thought you were all tough and cool."

HARRY:"I'm super duper cool! I mean look at me, I'm da bomb."

LOUIS:"Just listen to yourself, you are not cool, even Nina is cooler than you."

HARRY:"Nina is quite cool though."

LOUIS:"Did you just complimented one of my friends, oooh, Harry Styles you are becoming soft."

HARRY:"What? No I'm still super tough and I will still act like a bad boy."

LOUIS:"I like the sweet you better."

HARRY:"Sucks for you then, because I will never be the sweet me except in this house."

LOUIS:(laughs) "At least I got to know the sweet side of you, I feel pretty honored to be honest."

HARRY:"You should, because," (Tickles Louis) "you will never see this side again." (laughs evilly and throws his head back to make it more dramatic)

LOUIS:(laughs)"Stop, Harry please. I'm dying, oh god it hurts, my tummy hurts."

HARRY:"I will never stop, that's my evil side and you will die of laughter, my friend."

LOUIS:"I don't want to die, I haven't watched the Lord of the rings yet."

HARRY:(Stops tickling him) "No freaking way, what is wrong with you? I can't believe you. Louis Tomlinson, you are about to watch every single Lord of the rings movie and you are not allowed to leave before we finish the last one."

LOUIS:(joking) "You can't force me, you moron plus I'm not that much into movies, I'm more the type for series."

HARRY:"Shut up! I'm definitely forcing you, I'm not joking, even if I have to spent the whole night with you, we are totally doing that. You have to call your mom though."

LOUIS:"You take that really serious, don't you? But you convinced me, I'm gonna call my mom, tell her that I'm coming back home tomorrow after school."

HARRY:"Go on then, I'm gonna ask my mom, but she will most likely allow it, because you are her baby and stuff."

LOUIS:(calls his mom) "Mom I'm staying at Harry's tonight, I will come back tomorrow. Cuddle the girls.... Yes... Okay... "(Annoyed) "Mom I know... I'm gonna hang up now, love you." (Hangs up and waits for Harry to come back)

HARRY:"Mom said yes! She even allowed us to drink energy drinks so we can watch every movie tonight."

LOUIS:"You know that tomorrow is school right?"

HARRY:"Doesn't matter. We can skip."

LOUIS:"No way, I'm not skipping."

HARRY:"Just wait, you will be too tired to go to school anyways." (Lays on his bed and pets the spot next to him) "Make yourself comfortable."

LOUIS:(sits on the edge on the bed, with a big distance between the two) "So let's put the movie in, shall we?"

HARRY:"Are you sure that this spot is comfortable for a whole night? You know I don't bite." (Moves closer to the edge of the bed) "Come here, there is enough space for both of us."

LOUIS:(blushes furiously and his stomach fills with butterflies) "Uhm okay." (Lays next to Harry, but still with a distance) "You are right that is much better."

HARRY:"I'm always right. I'm gonna put the movie in. So the first one, is actually my favorite one, or wait maybe it's the third, ugh hardest decision."

LOUIS:(laughs) "I don't care, just put the damn movie in."

HARRY:"Alright, chill out." (Puts in the movie and goes back to bed, but scoots closer to Louis on purpose) "Let the movie marathon begin."

(They watch for a while, and Harry explains all the details and insiders to Louis, but Harry also spoilers a lot and Louis can't help but find it absolutely adorable how excited Harry is about a simple movie. Louis loved the first two movies, but as they start the third one he gets really tired)

LOUIS:(yawns and rubs his eyes) "I'm not sure if I can watch the last one."

HARRY:"I'm sure you can, it's better then every other movie in the world."

LOUIS:"Pretty sure Harry Potter is way better."

HARRY:"Nah, never! I mean he has a nice name." (Laughs at his joke) "Got it? Because it's mine. His name is Harry and my name is Harry, so that's the only good thing about the movie."

LOUIS:"Oh my goodness, you are joking right? Harry Potter is my spirit animal."

HARRY:"Calm down, he is alright, let's just watch the last one."

LOUIS:(yawns again) "okay, let's do this."

(After 30 minutes into the movie Louis gets really sleepy and Harry drags his arm around him so Louis can cuddle him. Louis lays his head on Harry's chest and his arm sneaks around Harry's waist)

HARRY:"You comfy?"

LOUIS:(sleepy)"Hmm really comfy."

HARRY:"You will probably not watch the movie to it's end, am I right?"

LOUIS:(smiles)"Probably not." (nestles himself closer to Harry) "But you are so warm and cuddly."

HARRY:(smiles fondly down at Louis mop of feathery brown hair) "It's alright, you're quite comfy yourself." (Draws little circles on Louis back)

LOUIS:"Goodnight Haz."

HARRY:"Goodnight Lou." (makes sure that Louis is asleep as he kisses his forehead and whispers) "I may really really like you."

so you had to wait for a long long time, but here it is chapter 17!! I love everyone who is still reading this and I will try to update more often now. Plus I'm probably only gonna make about 25 chapters, so yeah. Hopefully you liked that chapter!!

Question: Harry Potter or Lord of the rings??



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