Chapter Twelve

Depuis le début

"The seven angels are our gods." Michael started,"The Fae's are supposed to be created by angel blood, angel blood runs through our veins it's what gives us power."

"When Fae have children with humans Demi-Fae are created. " He said,"That's us. But the thing that makes us so special is that it's not our parents that determine our powers but our lineage."

Aubrey looked at him completley clueless. She hadn't been so lost since her algebra AP.

Michael sighed clearly understanding her confusion, "If a Fae has a child with a human, the child necessarily won't be gifted. Sure they'll have some powers but that's it. It's one of their latter descendants that will have the true power that comes with being a Demi Fae."

"So you're telling me that my family are just descendants from some random Fae a long long time ago and somehow I'm the one who has inherited the power?" Aubrey asked and Michael nodded.

"It's odd and it's random but it's the way it is." Michael said,"Carriers are what we call the people who are the part of the lineage but never developed their powers enough to be classified as Demi-Fae. That's what both your parents were, usually it's only one parent but if you haven't figured it out yet, you're different."

Aubrey stared at Michael blankly. It was way too much to wrap her head around but she felt she was finally getting a hang of it.

"Demi Fae are incredibley rare." He said,"That's what makes us so special. We are far more powerful than ordinary Fae but far more vulnerable."

"As we grow older, the more we use our powers, the bigger targets we become." He said.

"Targets?" Aubrey asked,"Targets for whom?"

Michaels eyes darkened and the air became colder,"What do you think Thorne was, Aubrey? Why do you think he came after you?"

Because I'm absolutely hopeless at history, Aubrey thought drily.

"Fae's having children with humans is incredibley rare." He said

"And that's what makes us far more valuable than Fae." He said.


"The other Fae, the pureblooded ones though powerful are limited only to a particular element and even then they can't ever fully control it."

"But they are physically stronger than us. Faster than us and there is the fact that they are immortal." Michael said,"Which makes them a lot tougher to beat. We have explosive power but they can hold their own far longer. We just do a lot more damage."

"Wow." Aubrey said,"A small army of them and the Fae can rule over the world."

"Creating even a small army is impossible." Michael said,"Like I said. We are incredibly rare. Most Demi-Fae are born generations apart and almost never survive above the age of sixteen."

Aubrey was seventeen.

"Nobody knows what happens but often they can't handle their own powers." Michael said,"Only a few manage to survive and either they are extremely powerful or don't have any affinity to power whatsoever."

"Our gods or the angels overlap with mortal religion if you come to see." Michael said,"I suppose it's the influence of the Fae, who've always been on the edge of the mortal world, whispering to the humans guiding them."

"Human religion also potrays angels." Michael said,"But in their myths the angels supposed to work for a higher god while for us there is nothing higher than them."

"Which brings us to the Diviners." Michael said,"The reason Demi-Fae are feared and hunted down by witches, demons and all the beings of the Shadoworld is because of them."

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