I am Azazel

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I was with Lyra, sitting on a bench at the park when suddenly, the ground began shaking. We both stood up, frightened. All the people were running pass us, like a stampede, and we didn't know why until, "Fire! Fire!", cried a guy. Lyra and I looked at the direction the people were running away from and there, we saw fire spreading thoroughly in all directions leaving ashes as trace all over.

Wanting to save our lives, we began running along with the people, while hearing the others behind us scream to death as they were eaten by the fast-crawling fire. I looked back once, and I saw the source of the wreckage – a black half-goat half-beast demon with malefic wings, spitting fire from its mouth continuously. I set my mind to never look back again and to focus on saving myself and of course, Lyra. Suddenly, Lyra stopped, gasping for air as she was attacked by asthma, "I can't run anymore.", she said. While pulling her hand out of my hold and pushing me away, wanting me to leave her behind, "I'll be fine here. Go on and I'll catch up.", she assured which I didn't trust at all.

I was not able to give her a word for my attention was caught by the fire behind her, crawling towards us. As the fire approached us, we felt the heat. Lyra's eyes began to wet, so as mine as I watched her be masked in flames. The fire reached me but I was shocked, I wasn't burning. I held Lyra tightly but when I did, I had only embraced myself. Ashes started floating away and tears ran down my face unendingly.

"LYRAAA!", I shouted, startled by the unpleasant dream. I got up from bed, breathing heavily with my right hand placed on my chest. As I stare at the room, I heard a creak and the door of my room opened. My mother came in. She sat beside my bed and gave me a grasp. She whispered something to me which made me confused, "How did you know about the demon from my dream, mom?", since I had only mentioned Lyra's name.

Shocked from the question I asked her, she moved away from me. After a few seconds of calming herself down, she answered, "I just know. I'm your mother, Zel.". She stretched her arm, trying to reach something on my sidetable. Then, she handed me a glass of water which seemed weird; I didn't leave a glass of water there before I slept and my mother wasn't holding a glass of water as she entered the room, but I questioned no more. Mom only cared. "By the way...", mom looked up to which my eyes followed and saw the time on the clock.

"Oh come on, mom. Why'd you not mention earlier?!", I exclaimed in panic for I was getting late for school.

"You didn't ask, did you?".

"Mom. Really.".

I fixed myself for school and by the time I finished, I immediately went off. Walking down the street, I was shocked when someone pulled me from my back. I looked back and saw Sam Johnson, a classmate whose hobby is to piss the shit out of me everyday.

"I dropped by your home.", he stated which he has always did. "I heard from Martha that you had a bad dream, about Lyra, correct?", he asked. The weird thing was he calls my mother by her first name, which is Martha, without any respecting words like miss or mrs. Well, he's not respecting anyone, I guess. Another thing was my mother really doesn't like him and so I don't.

"Yeah. You've heard it right.", I replied, "But it has nothing do with you.".

"Oh, Zel, Zel... Why are you always like that?", he teased, "How would I know if I was involved in the dream if you wouldn't tell? Oh, did I do something to Lyra? Did I kiss her, 'cause I think I tasted something sweet this morning.". I was pissed off, I grabbed the collar of his shirt while he raised his two hands as if he surrenders himself. "Go on. Hit me, Zelly.".

I released him and continued to walk. "I'm not like you, Sam.", I said, "I wouldn't be like you so stop nagging me, will you?". I didn't listen to his reply because I knew it would be senseless. I directed myself to school, wanting to pull myself away from Sam. But then, I was stunned when I saw him came to school first and he was with Lyra. I approached them and grabbed my girl while the guy, Sam, was smirking. I looked him in the eye and told him, "I don't want to kill so stay away.". He smiled, wanting to piss me off real bad. But I was glad I didn't have to argue with him for Lyra took me away and dragged me to the school's dining hall. We sat facing each other with my face frowned. We stared at each other for a while, then suddenly she smiled. I smiled automatically after seeing hers. "Ugggrh, why are you so cute?".

"It's natural.", she claimed, as she giggled. I was about to ask her about her conversation with Sam when she unexpectedly turned her back on me.


"Just you wait, Zel.". After a few seconds, she faced me again and reached for my hand that was rested on the table. She put something in my palm and exclaimed, "Happy birthday!", with a big smile on her face. I was surprised because I totally forgot about it and my mother didn't even greeted me. "What's the matter? You don't like it?", Lyra asked.

I shook my head. "I like it. I really like it.", I said as I tied the keychain she gave me on my phone. "Thanks. You don't fail to make me smile, Lyra.".

"Of course. I don't want other girls to be the source of your smile.", she said, "So I should not fail.". I smiled and nodded to her statement. "Anyway, the frown you made earlier, about Sam, he isn't picking on me so you don't have to worry.", she explained.

"Just be careful of him.", I reminded.

The bell rang and we had to part ways for we had different subjects to attend to. Because of Lyra, my mood went up but the moment I stepped into the room of my History subject, I felt irritated seeing the face of the guy sitting on the chair by the door.

I am AzazelWhere stories live. Discover now