Ahri x male reader (lemon)

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P.O.V. Ahri

I was walking through the woods with [Brother] he said he wanted me to meet his family. From what I had gathered he only had one brother and that was pretty much it.

However a bullet then flew past my head. When it did I ducked and went into a local bush. I just watched as [Brother] then did the same and two men walked by.

"Damn we missed her." I heard one of them say.

"Yeah that Ahri the nine tails has quite the reward on her head. I'd love to take those tails of hers and turn them into a nice fur coat." The other said looking at him.

I got nervous when I heard this. Great so I've become well known enough for guys to start hiring hunters to kill me. This is just so wrong. I don't feel safe.

However I then watched as they walked away and [Brother] came out of the bush and looked at me. "Come on let's get you home. We'll have to keep you there for the night though just in case." He said looking at me.

"Just in case what?" I asked looking at him as I got up off the ground.

"Just in case [Name] doesn't find them. He's not exactly a big fan of poachers. However he'd never leave someone who almost got killed alone either." He said looking at me.

I nodded and we continued to a house. However as we opened the door I heard the two men from before scream as well as three gunshots fired before things went silent.

"Sounds like [Name] found them." He said as he opened the door. "Well might as well get comfortable he's not going to be here shortly." He said looking at me.

"What makes you say that?" I asked looking at him.

"You're a vixen and your scent is all over the place. Trust me he'll be here as soon as he catches a wiff of your smell." He said looking at me causing me to blush slightly.

I then walked in and sat down on the coach. I waited no less than five seconds and the door opened. "Hey bro you noticed that the forest smells like a . . . vixen." He said looking at me.

"You must be Ahri right." He said looking at me. I nodded and when he turned around I noticed he had ten wolf tails. However they weren't all one color one would be a solid color than the rest were completely different colors.

As he walked by I noticed that he had an incredible amount of mana. It was a little scary as to how much mana he had in his body. He then entered the kitchen and I sighed.

P.O.V. [Name]

"Why'd you invite a vixen into the house?" I asked looking at my brother.

"She's a friend from work and I wanted her to meet you." He said looking at me.

"That's not what I asked. Why. Did. You. Invite. A. Vixen. Into. My. House." I asked glaring at him.

"Didn't seem like a problem at the time." He said looking at me.

"Not a problem? . . . you invited a vixen into a wild dogs house. She need to leave." I said looking at her.

"She can't." He said looking at me.

"Why not?" I asked looking at him.

"Well she was almost killed today and I'd imagine she's a little on edge." He said looking at me. I can only imagine that she was almost killed by those poachers. Well . . . I can't just force her to leave can I.

I mean what if someone trys to kill her again. What someone does kill her. I can't just allow a beautiful creature like her . . . did I just call her beautiful no that has to be something kind of mistake. Well nonetheless I can't just make her leave if she doesn't want too.

male reader x female various one shotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant