Power Games [boyxboy]

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Power Games [boyxboy] by DocMartensAndCoffee (Jasmine Blackwell) 

Copyright (c): All Rights Reserved. 

This is mine, if its anywhere else its stolen, do bad things to whoever stole it blah blah blah all that noise. 

Contains homosexuality, violence, reluctant sex, abuse, substance abuse, and sexy boys in tight trousers. You have been warned. 

A/N: This is kind of where I originally wanted to go with 'Broken' but that kind of panned out differently, so I'm writing this one instead. 



Drip. Drip. Drip. 

There was a leaky pipe in the corner of my room. 

I lost count of the amount of times I'd told him about it, but he never did anything about it. 

Drip. Drip. Drip. 

The dripping sound drove me crazy. It was too regular, too often. 

Drip. Drip. Drip. 

He was playing poker tonight. Which meant his mood could go either way, really. Either he'd win and be in a really fabulous mood and I might get off lightly tonight. Or he'd lose and be in a foul mood and then take it out on me. I was kind of hoping he'd win. I wasn't going to break, not for him or anyone. But it was better to be treated nicely than to be beaten up. 

Drip. Drip. Drip. 

The door to my room opened and a shaft of light entered the room. I looked up from the spider I'd been watching scuttle across the floor. Geoff, one of Darren's mindless mob cronies, was standing in the doorway. He was a big bloke, around six feet tall and built like a brick shithouse. He was stupid too; not only thick but also incredibly slow on the uptake. He was definitely the brawn rather than the brains of the outfit. 

I raised one eyebrow at him, unimpressed at him just entering my room like that. 

"You know, Geoffrey, it's terribly impolite to enter a persons chambre without knocking first," I told him.

"You what?" he grunted. I rolled my eyes. 

"Never mind,"  I sighed. "I wouldn't expect you to understand French. It's a language of class and subtly - neither of which you possess." 

"Did you just insult me?!" he snarled. "Little bitch." 

"Calm yourself," I said, trying to keep my voice hard, though I was panicking. "Do you want something, then? Or did you just come to be an arse?" 

"You're wanted in the poker room," he said. 

I was astounded. Daz had never wanted me at one of his poker games before. 

Something must've been really up. 


I leaned back in my chair, grinning smugly at Darren across the table. 

"Y'know, Daz," I said. "I saw this fabulous pocket watch the other day - and your money will give me just enough to buy it." 

"Fuck off," he snapped. "You shouldn't be so cocky." he paused. Then he turned round. "Where the fuck is Vinnie?" 

Daz was losing the poker game. Losing hard. He'd already thrown in and lost all the cash he had on him, and the betting had just got a little more interesting - I'd bet all I'd won so far and he had bet this boy, Vinnie. 

Daz had kept sex pets for as long as I'd known him. I'd never had one myself, though I'd definitely considered it. In my... line of work, it was considered something of a status symbol; you were more respected if you had a pet, as a rule. I'd never needed to get more respect, but Daz needed all the extra respect he could get. 

The door to the den opened and Geoff, one of Darren's cronies, entered. A young man followed at his heels, not as if he had a choice. He had a dog collar and leash around his neck. He was stumbling, reluctant to move. Geoff pushed the boy down onto the ground beside Darren , where he curled up into a ball and hid his face with his arms. 

"God damn it Vinnie," Darren growled. "Be polite - say hello to our guest." 

The boy's head snapped up and he met my eye. He immediately smirked at me and I smiled back at him. He was very good looking, all long dark hair and green eyes and pale skin. He was wearing snug black skinny jeans and no shirt. He got to his feet and leaned seductively over the table towards me. 

"Hey," he whispered in a sultry voice. "How's your hand?" 

"Good enough," I replied, in a similar tone. Daz tugged on his leash sharply and, grumbling, the boy sat down at his feet. 

"Don't get too excited," Daz raised one eyebrow. "He's a tough little bitch - nobody's been able to crack him yet." 

"Hmm. Well, I could just be the one then, couldn't I, sweetie?" I smirked at the boy. He quirked an eyebrow upwards. 

"You could try," he teased. Daz hissed something to him and he pulled a face. Then he got up and moved away from Daz, coming closer to me but not looking at me. He danced where he stood, very seductively, hips swaying, eyes closed, arms up, hands running through his hair. It wasn't the first time he'd danced to arouse. I chuckled at him and he opened his eyes and winked at me. He blew me a kiss, which I returned. 

"For fuck's sake, Vinnie!" Daz snapped. Vinnie knelt down where he was, rather than going back to Daz's side. He looked up at me with innocent puppy-dog eyes and I grinned down at him. There was something inside me screaming I want to take this kid home. 

"Come on then, Daz, make my day," I said. He smirked and raised one eyebrow. 

"Four of a kind," he said smugly, throwing down his cards. 

"Oh damn," I tutted. "That sucks. All I have is this..." I threw mine down too, revealing the Royal Flush. "Looks like I win this hand."

"Oh just take it all and get out," Daz snapped. 

With a grin, I took hold of the boy's leash, winding it around my hand so he had no choice but to come close to me. 

"We're going home," I told him, before dragging him out of the house behind me. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2013 ⏰

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