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Niall's POV

"I have an idea..." I said loudly over the shouting.

Everyone's glaring eyes landed on me. They never seem to expect me to speak up or give out ideas.

"Speak." Louis said as he walked up to me.

"Um, well we could take her to the safe house. You know the one in Ireland where I'm from." I spoke nervously.

Louis looked to be in deep thought for a while until Zayn decided to speak.

"Well if we're going to take her there we need to find a plane and a driver. We can't risk ANYONE seeing her."

"I'm a licensed plane driver, I can take us. All we need now is a plane." Liam said.

"I know where we can get a plane." Louis smirk. He looked over at Harry and they both smiled wide.

"Ed." They both said at the same time.

"Who's Ed?" I asked.

"He's original leader and founder of our group. Back before you or Liam joined he was the leader. But then he had to step down to take care of his mother who's sick. So he passed down the leadership role to me and the second hand man position went to Zayn." Louis explained.

"But weren't you just 16 when you became Leader?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, I was young but Ed knew I was ready." He smiled.

"So then lets get him on the phone and get that plane!!" Harry cheered.

"I'll go call him, the rest of you pack up as much as you can." Louis ordered.


Marcie's POV

I was just laying in bed listening in on the boys talking but everything sounded like muffled words and I couldn't understand. But then all of a sudden everything went silent and then a lot of noises were heard. Many of them sounded like running others like things being thrown. I expected someone to storm in and do something to me or maybe even just yell but that never happened.

I laid in bed listening to all this noise for maybe an hour until Niall and Liam ran in.

"You un handcuff her legs I've got her hands." Liam ordered. I looked at them both with confused looks.

Niall half smiled at me before taking off my cuffs.

"Good, now go grab her a change of clothes. These pajamas will be too recognize able." Liam said to Niall.

After Niall left Liam looked at me and smirked.

"I'm really sorry about this but you're going to have to take a long nap again." He laughed.

The next thing I know he has a cloth over my face and I'm knocked out.


Third Person POV

"Get her in NOW!" Zayn whisper shouted at Liam who was carrying Marcie.

They had just gotten to the empty field where their friend Ed dropped off the plane they would be taking.

Along the way they were followed by a few police cars for speeding but they didn't bother to slow down one bit. Marcie was all over the news still. She was even on the radio, they had started to play her music from her band. Even though it was all live music the radio stations still aired it in hopes of people finding her quicker.

Even though it seemed to Marcie like no one really cared much about her she was completely wrong. She had many fans in the town she lived in. All her friends loved her dearly and hoped she would be home soon. But her family, the way they felt was unknown. They had yet to respond to any calls or emails from NYPD. Its like they didn't want to be notified of her disappearance.

Which was very weird and off for Marcie's mother. She use to call non stop to check on Marcie. But ever since Marcie noticed these strange things happening she hasn't called once. Marcie never even noticed. She was actually a lot more at peace with her mother not bothering her.

"Hurry up I can hear the sirens!!" Louis shouted.

They all quickly piled up on the plane with many suitcases in hand.

"Liam start the thing I can see them over the trees!!" Harry shouted.

"I'm sorry but this takes time!! If you hadn't been speeding they wouldn't of followed us here!" Liam shouted back.

"Well sorry but I really didn't expect for them to follow us all the way here!! I'd thought they'd give up!" Harry shouted back.

"Well I-"

"Shut up the both of you!! Lets go!!" Louis shouted as he slapped the back of Liam's head.

Liam quickly flipped on all the right switches and pressed the right buttons. But just as the plane was leaving the ground several police cars surrounded them in the small field. They were about to take off when several shots fired and Liam was hit straight in both arms making him lose control of the wheel. The plane was so out of control that Marcie and the rest fell right out of it and onto the ground.

Niall quickly scrabbled around trying to grab Marcie but he was too late. He and the rest were all in hand cuffs and being taken away. All except for Liam who was taken into an ambulance.

Marcie was barely conscious when she was also taken into an ambulance.

The boys excluding Liam were all driven out to NYPD in separate cars while Liam and Marcie were driven to the near by hospital.

Liam would later be discharged and be sent to join the rest of the boys in a holding cell. While Marcie would be staying for several days in the hospital until a family member could come pick her up.

But little did anyone know that no one would be coming for her. At least not a family member.

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