First day of classes

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Hermiones pov

I was on the floor with bellatrix lestrange on top of me.
She cackled
Filthy mudblood your friends can't save you now I've killed them all its just me and you.
My arm burned with her cutting my skin.
I let out a blood curdling scream.

Dracos pov
I was awoken by a scream
I jumped out of bed only to see granger screaming asleep with her arm bleeding from her mudblood scar
I woke her
Granger! granger wake up! I say
She shoots up
What happened she asked
I don't know but your bleeding
Shit she said
Does this happen a lot I ask
Only when I have this dream she said
Oh do you need help patching that up I say grabbing some cloth and wrapping it around her arm
Thanks she said
No problem I say
Did it hurt she asked
Did what hurt I say
Only then did I notice her starring at my arm
I was just in my pajama pants and no shirt
The mark did it hurt she said
Yes very much I say
Oh she said
Did these Hurt also she said rubbing the scars from potter in sixth year
Yeah potter did those I say
Oh yeah he told me about that he regretted it he thought he killed you
She said
Wouldn't all of you be thrilled if I did die I say
Malfoy you might be a git but we wouldn't wish death on anyone we've all seen to much of it over the years she said
Oh I say
Well I'm going to get ready so thank you again malfoy she said
Yeah I say
She started walking towards the bathroom and stopped
Malfoy she said
Yes granger I say
Do you think we could at least try and be civil towards each other since we will not be able to get out of this She said
Yeah I say
Great she said and walked Into the bathroom
She came back out in her robes
Would you like to walk together to class I asked
Yeah sure unless you are to embarrassed to be seen with a muggleborn she said
No I'm not I say
If we are going to be married I want us to at least be friends to one another I say
Me too she said
We exited our bedroom
People in the common room stared at is as I held the door open for her and we talked and laughed
We stopped when we heard yelling
It was theo and.. Luna yelling at each other
You are insane he yelled
I thought you would be a lovely husband but i was wrongly mistaken you are just an arrogant egotistic jerk who doesn't understand anything if we have to get married your going to have to get used to me being "loony lovegood" that is just my personality so get used to it or be could go get our
Wands snapped right now she yelled walking out of the room
Hello hermione hello Draco she said coming back to her normal dreamy voice
Hello Luna everything okay I ask
Yes fine Draco just Theodore being himself she said smiling walking away
I thought we were bad but I Didn't even know Luna could yell hermione said
Yeah that's my cousin for you she has a short temper which is weird because of her personality
Your related to Luna she asked
Yeah on my dad side you couldn't tell we both have the same hair and pale complexion I say
Well I didn't know you would be associated with her since your high Status she said
Yeah my dad kinda disowned his brother when he married a muggleborn so we don't really talk about them I say
Well lets go to breakfast she said
Yeah I say
We start walking to breakfast getting a lot of weird looks from people.
We ignored them and sat as we had to together as did Everyone else in our year and sixth year who was to be married.
Ron and pansy were bickering back and forth
Harry and Astoria seemed to get along and Blaise just got slapped across the face by Ginny I laughed a little
What did you so zabini I say
Nothing this women is mad he said dodging another hit
Well she would only hit you like that if you did something wrong hermione said giggling
No one asked you.. Blaise started but I stopped him
Zabini don't say another word I say
What was I going to say he said oblivious I just stared at him he eventually got it
Sorry granger force of habit he said turning crimson
It's okay she said
Everyone turned there attention to the front when mcgonnagal walked up to the podium
Students I will need to see all sixth and seventh years after breakfast she said
Once breakfast is over we all wait behind to see what she needs
Okay I need to tell you all that your first class today is marriage prep
So sixth years you will go with slug horn and seventh will go with me is this understood she said
Everyone nodded
Good off to class she said
We walked behind her towards the classroom
We walked
Okay everyone get with your partners and ask these questions off the parchment to each other and write down there answers

Hermiones pov

Okay I will go first I guess I say

1) what is your career goal?

Auror he said

How about you he asked

Auror I say

Maybe we will be partners he said
Yeah i say

2) who is your best friend? He asked


Mine is zabini he said

Cool next

3) favorite thing to do
We both said read at the same time we laughed.
You like to read malfoy I asked
Yeah he said.
Oh yeah you told me the book shop was your scene when i said it wasn't. I say
Yeah he said

4) favorite teacher

Snape he said
Mcgonnagal I say
Did you know snape loved Harry's mom
Really he said
Yeah Harry told me when the war ended he saw snapes memories I say
Wow I never knew he said
No one did I'm guessing but snape was a great man hidden away I say
What do you mean he said
Well snape risked his life by becoming a spy for the order long ago so he actually helped us but only person who knew was Dumbledore I say
Wow you think you know a person he said
Yeah that's what I thought about you until I started talking to you I say
Yeah same for me I never knew how amazing you are hermione he said
You either.. Draco I say
We smiled at each other.

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