Chapter 15: So Long For Now

Start from the beginning


      “That acting camp Aunt Jane is sending you to.” She still didn’t understand. “The one in California for two months.”

      “Oooh. Okay now I know what you’re talking about. I leave tomorrow?”

      “Yeah, the camp starts July 1st and today is June 30th.”

      “Wow. Really?”

      “Yes. Why would I lie about that?”

      “I don’t know. But whose driving?”

      “Austin, Jake’s brother.”

      “Oh and by the way Jake was here looking for you. He left like half an hour ago.” Oh my gosh. Was that Jake on the bike? Before I could ask why he was here the phone rang.

      Elle checked the caller ID and tossed it to me. “It’s Jake.”


      “Rikki? It’s Jake.”

      “Hey. What’s up?” I walked out of the room to get away from the nosey Elle.

      “I was wondering if we could meet up tonight. I have to tell you something.”

      “Sure. Where?”

      “The gazebo? Around 7?”

      “Sounds fine. See ya later.”

      I hung up and turned around to put the phone back in the charger. “Ooof.” Right behind me was Elle. “Were you eavesdropping?”       

      “Normally, I would deny it but we don’t have time, so yes. Now we have some work to do.”

      “What are you talking about?”

      “It’s 1 o’clock. Meaning I have a few hours to pick out an outfit for you and then you have to walk into town.”

      “Wait, what do you mean you’re picking out an outfit for me?”

      “You’re meeting Jake and I am going to make you actually look like a girl.” I looked down. I was wearing denim shorts and an old softball shirt. “And before you complain, please just let me do it this one time. Please. Just once?”

      She looked so happy. “Fine.” Elle ran to the stairs. “But no skirts!”

      She kept going up the stairs but I heard her yell back. “No promises.”

-A few hours later-

      “Rikki! Get up here!”

      Ugg. She’s ready for me. It’s only 4. I’m not meeting him for another 3 hours. It only takes half an hour by bike. So that leaves 2 and half hours for this. There is no way this is going to take this long.

      I dragged my feet up the stairs. I am not looking forward to this. My feet had barely hit the floor when Elle grabbed my arm and pulled me into her room.

      Her floor was covered in clothes. Her desk had all of her make up out on it. This just got even less enjoyable.

      “Sit.” Elle said while pointing to the desk chair. I sat down and she pulled out a hair brush. Elle began attacking my curly hair with the brush. A few minutes later the curls were gone. In their place was very poofy hair.

      Suddenly, she had a curling iron in her hand and started re-making my curls. She pulled each one after removing the curling iron. Half and hour later she had stopped fussing with my hair and had moved on to my nails.

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