"You've thanked me for that already."


"Your welcome, I didn't heal you just so those hags could kill you."

"Have I thanked you for healing me?" She asked and Percy smiled even though she couldn't see it,

"Multiple times, but you honestly don't have to thank me. You helped me with Bianca's death and so many other problems, so thank you." She sighed and looked up at him, he looked down at her and green met black. He rested his forehead against hers and wore a huge grin on his face, the other hunters were currently getting ready for the mission and didn't see Percy or Zoe in that position. Percy leaned in closer and Zoe's heart sped up as he kissed her softly. He was surprised that he had kissed her...again, when was she going to kiss him? He wondered and inwardly laughed at the thought. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer as she kissed him harder. He thought he could die happy and suddenly heard loud talking coming from the tents, he quickly pulled away as the hunters walked out. She shot him a grateful look as she tried to make her blush go away, he ran a hand through his hair but stayed by Zoe's side as he fought to keep from grinning like an idiot.

"Let's get a move on ladies!" Artemis hollered and Percy scowled at her, she grinned up at him and pinched his cheek,

"What's wrong little brother? Being one of the girls is something you should be use to." She teased and he smirked down at her,

"Why would you taunt your older brother? I am fourteen and your only twelve." She glared at him and stomped her foot in outrage,

"I'm older!"

"Spoken like a true twelve year old, you know if your looking for a date I'm sure Nico would be interested." Her mouth fell open and she gave Percy a sharp slap to the face, he recoiled and Zoe roared with laughter at Percy's joke and him getting slapped. His face stung and he held his cheek while Artemis turned into a twenty year old,

"First of all males are disgusting, secondly you've been around Apollo to much, thirdly I'm now older and always have been!" She spat and Percy fought to keep from laughing,

"Okay okay, but you do realize you only had to turn fifteen or twenty. You kinda over did it by going into your fifty year old form." he joked as he gestured to her. She looked stunned and then angry, Zoe laughed even harder and before Artemis could kill him Percy pointed behind her and shouted,

"Look! Apollo and Phoebe are making out!" She whirled around in rage,

"WHERE!" She snarled as she looked around frantically, Percy took advantage of her distraction and grabbed Zoe's hand. They ran into the group of fifteen hunters and Percy immediately turned to Phoebe,

"Careful, Artemis thinks your lip lockin with Apollo." Phoebe paled and Zoe smirked,

"Your personal sun!" The two broke into laughter and Phoebe glared at them,

"I am going to kill you two!" She threatened but then Artemis spoke up,

"We are off for the hunt!" She gave Percy a quick glare before the hunters started to travel. They had an important mission to do and they needed to do it quickly, Alpha ran beside Percy and Zoe who were in the lead by Artemis and Thalia. Thalia was still sour about joining the hunt but felt it was better that she had her cousin here. They ran for miles and rarely stopped, the hunters were probably the best trained demigods out there because they practiced speed, endurance, strength, and stealth. Percy liked being with the hunters far more then the campers, the girl campers always flirted with him, mainly Aphrodite and Apollo girls. When the Apollo girls flirted with him it creeped him out because Apollo was his brother and they were his nieces, then again Zeus married his sister Hera. He shivered at the thought and stopped running once Artemis held up a hand. A few feet away there was a large white mansion, the hunters remained hidden in the woods and Percy looked at Artemis,

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