Chapter 3

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The Son of Vesta Chapter 3, a percy jackson and the olympians fanfic | FanFiction

To say Apollo was surprised to see Artemis and Phoebe helping a five year old boy put up a tent was an understatement, he watched the boy from a distance as he said something and the girls who laughed. How could he gain their favor at all? He wondered and decided to find out himself, suddenly he saw Alpha running towards him. In panic Apollo aimed his bow at him, he stopped once he saw the boy laugh and hug the wolfs neck.

This little dude tamed Alpha! He thought in disbelief. He walked closer to them and saw the boys face, sea green eyes, jet black hair. He looks like Orion. Apollo thought bitterly as he started to approach them. The hunters were surprised that Apollo had completely ignored them, he didn't wink, smile, flirt, or even look at them as he made his way over to Artemis. When she looked up at him she scowled.

"You better not be talking to my hunters!" She threatened and the boy looked up at him. He had a red ring around the irises of his eyes and this surprised Apollo.

"Who's the boy?" Artemis face palmed while Phoebe stifled a laugh.

Percy stood up and glared at the sun god,"My names Pewcy! Not boy!" Apollo looked at him in surprise but flashed the kid a smile for his bravery at standing up to him.

"Nice to meet ya Percy! I'm Apollo, god of-"

"No one cares." Artemis snapped and Apollo rolled his eyes.

"Calm down little sister." Artemis jaw clenched and she was about to retort but Percy jumped in.

"Whoa! You'we Apollo, Woman(Roman) god of the sun, achewy, pwophecy, and healing! You'we almost as cool as Lady Diana!" Apollo's mouth dropped wide open and Artemis smirked, this kid was smart.

"See little brother! I'm cooler then you!" She said smugly and Percy nodded in agreement while Phoebe laughed.

"Perce, she's brain washed you! Come on, she's leader of the party poopers and kills men for fun! To show I'm better, which I am, I'm taking you target shooting." Before anyone could do anything he teleported himself and Percy to the archery range. He materialized a gold bow and handed it to the wide eyed boy.

"Awesome!" Percy cheered and excepted the bow excitedly, he pulled back the string and a silver and gold arrow was notched. Apollo grinned at him and crouched down so he was eye level with Percy.

"Okay kid, I'm gonna give you my blessing of music and archery." He touched Percy's forehead and a golden light engulfed Percy. Percy grinned and hugged Apollo who was extremely surprised stiffened. This was the first child who's ever hugged him and he kinda liked it. He couldn't even visit his own kids because of the stupid law passed by Jupiter/Zeus. He felt happy, he embraced the boy back tightly and smiled.

"Thank you Apollo!" Percy exclaimed after the hug was over. Percy faced the target and shot the arrow. It almost hit the bulls eye leaving a gaping Apollo. Percy grinned and gave Apollo another hug.

"Youw blessing wowked!" Apollo gave Percy his blessing because he actually wanted to be part of a child's life. He could barely even look at his children, and Percy was a cute kid, he liked him a lot.

Artemis and Phoebe were watching the scene in shock as they hid amongst the trees. Artemis was extremely surprised to see how her brother bonded with Percy, and was also surprised by his stupidity of not knowing or asking his heritage. She couldn't believe that Percy had almost the bulls eye on the first try, she thought being a son of Neptune would mess him up but he seemed just fine. Maybe it was Apollo's blessing, but not even a blessing could do that.

Apollo and Percy trained the entire day. Percy was working on shooting moving targets which proved to be a bit more of a challenge.

"Watch your stance Percy, you're starting to slip." Apollo instructed and Percy grinned at him sheepishly,

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