The Duck

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After the duck left the Unicorns the Island started to sink. He knew exactly were to go. There is an old legend that there is a cave under the Island that you can go to when it sinks. Thats were he is going to go.

He starts his hike. He hikes for 3 days and 2 nights before he came to the edge of the island. He jumps off the side and swims around until he finds the cave. Finally he finds it and goes in. When he gets there, there is other ducks. The duck was so happy.

He parties with the other ducks, who are happy that he has came home. He sees his family and is happy. Soon Unicorns come saying that the one Unicorn is fighting off other unicorns on the tallest tree so they came here.

The ducks welcome the unicorns with open arms. They continue to party for the rest of their lives, living happy with everybody else.

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